I am new to SEM / AMOS and as such I have done a lot of reading around my problem but find I am getting lost, any help would be appreciated and I am sorry if this sounds rather basic;
I have a model that looks at a number of factors (distal, indirect factors) which include 5 factors of personality and a couple of 'other factors' shown to be related to 2 distinct accident behaviours (outcome variables, DVs etc)
There are 2 mediating factors between the distal and outcome variables
the mediating variables and outcome variables are bi directional so I have an non recursive model.
I have relatively small sample of 200 for the purposes of SEM depending on the perspective you take on this.
I understand the principles of SEM and here lies my problem, to include a measurement model with observed variables that underlie these factors is not possible (the 5 individual factors are measured by a 120 item questionnaire), this puts unrealistic demands on sample size and simply drawing a model like this seems impossible.
I was looking at the use of Path Analysis which I understand is a form of SEM. Here I treat the factors as observed variables so lose the ability to account for measurement error. There are also issues with testing a non-recursive model here.
I should say that I conducted a series of multiple regressions to establsh the best predictors of the 2 mediating and 2 outcome variables to form I suppose a 'conceptual' model that I would like to test and test the mediating variables. I hope this makes sense to someone..The more I read, the more I am getting a little overwhelmed and was hoping someone could offer some guidance or comments?
Many thanks in advance