Assume a feature $x \in [a,b]$ and two classes $\omega_1, \omega_2$ with prior probabilities $P(\omega_1), P(\omega_2)$ and likelihood functions $p(x | \omega_1), p(x | \omega_2)$. Then, the expected classification error is defined as:
$$ P_e = \int\limits_{R_2}P(\omega_1)p(x|\omega_1)dx + \int\limits_{R_1}P(\omega_2)p(x|\omega_2)dx $$
where $R_1, R_2$ are the decision regions for classes $\omega_1, \omega_2$ respectively.
Now, my question is about the multiclass variant with $n$ classes. How will we proceed to calculate the expected classification error?
My approach would be to calculate $P_e$ as shown above for every possible pair of classes and then divide it by the number of classes (mean). That'll be:
$$ P_{e_{(mult)}} = \left(\sum \int\limits_{R_j}P(\omega_i)p(x|\omega_i)dx + \int\limits_{R_i}P(\omega_j)p(x|\omega_j)dx\right) / n, \quad i \neq j $$
Is this approach accurate when it comes to the expected classification error in the multiclass case?