The score() function computes D^2, the percentage of deviance explained, but I'd like to get the log-likelihood to calculate BIC. What's the formula to go from deviance to log-likelihood?
Score function reference:
The score() function computes D^2, the percentage of deviance explained, but I'd like to get the log-likelihood to calculate BIC. What's the formula to go from deviance to log-likelihood?
Score function reference:
If you have deviance, refer to this answer, which I'll quote below:
$$\begin{matrix} \text{Null Deviance} \quad \quad \text{ } \text{ } & & \text{ } D_{TOT} = 2(\hat{\ell}_{S} - \hat{\ell}_0), \\[6pt] \text{Explained Deviance} & & D_{REG} = 2(\hat{\ell}_{p} - \hat{\ell}_0), \\[6pt] \text{Residual Deviance}^\dagger \text{ } & & \text{ } D_{RES} = 2(\hat{\ell}_{S} - \hat{\ell}_{p}). \\[6pt] \end{matrix}$$ In these expressions the value $\hat{\ell}_S$ is the maximised log-likelihood under a saturated model (one parameter per data point), $\hat{\ell}_0$ is the maximised log-likelihood under a null model (intercept only), and $\hat{\ell}_{p}$ is the maximised log-likelihood under the model (intercept term and $p$ coefficients).
So, starting from Explained Deviance, $D_{REG}$:
$$D_{REG} = 2(\hat{\ell}_{p} - \hat{\ell}_0)$$
You'll have to estimate $\hat{\ell}_0$ if you want to compute the exact value. If you simply want to compare models, then that term is constant among them, and can be safely ignored.
Ben (, Is R-squared truly an invalid metric for non-linear models?, URL (version: 2018-07-31):
. Have you looked at statsmodels? $\endgroup$