I'm not quite sure how I should fit a model that has two responses. The data consists of target (x,y) co-ordinates and actual (x,y) co-ordinates. I would like to fit a model to predict a new set of points from the target, however having two variables is putting me off.
There also appears to be no relationship between points so I'm not even sure what kind of modelling to do.
Would a multivariate Gaussian be appropriate?
edit: here is the link to the data: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12945652/data.csv
sessionID targetX targetY touchX touchY name phone
253 0.034375 0.564606742 0.034375 0.584269663 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.60625 0.901685393 0.625 0.907303371 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.2875 0.764044944 0.253125 0.783707865 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.25 0.814606742 0.228125 0.823033708 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.059375 0.657303371 0.04375 0.679775281 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.06875 0.91011236 0.05 0.963483146 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.625 0.603932584 0.68125 0.643258427 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.265625 0.530898876 0.26875 0.533707865 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.596875 0.974719101 0.603125 0.963483146 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.290625 0.533707865 0.25 0.530898876 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.946875 0.575842697 0.98125 0.564606742 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.825 0.54494382 0.909375 0.542134831 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.4625 0.556179775 0.4875 0.570224719 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.6875 0.814606742 0.70625 0.828651685 Subject15 Iphone4
253 0.734375 0.873595506 0.775 0.91011236 Subject15 Iphone4