I've been reading this blog post, which has been tremendously helpful in understanding Gaussian Processes (GP.) The author has used the terms "prior", "posterior", and "95% confidence interval" throughout; this made it difficult for me to tell if he was approaching GP from a Frequentist or Bayesian perspective. In equation 11, he defines the log marginal likelihood then uses scipy to optimize the hyperparameters, L and Sigma. He doesn't explicitly call it "MLE" but the concept seems analogous enough for me to consider his approach Frequentist. (Is this valid?)
And if so, how might a Bayesian approach GP? My currently thinking is: Rather than optimize the log marginal likelihood for point estimates of L and Sigma, sample hyperparameter values from the joint distribution. (Is this valid?)
Lastly, the author makes some decisions that made the distinction between paradigms a little blurry for me. Namely, early in the article he discusses the prior, sets arbitrary values for L and Sigma, generates some fake X input data, then uses the Kernel(X,X)
to generate a multivariate gaussian (w/ one dimension per data point) and samples from this multivariate gaussian 3 times to show what this "prior over functions might look like". And this has caused me a decent amount of confusion as it sounds quite Bayesian.
Could anyone offer some clarification?
Edit: Wow, there is no agreement on this topic, see extended conversation.
. The resulting "fit" is evidently just the prior you pictured above updated in a Bayesian manner with the 5 data points. $\endgroup$"x_i is pulled most strongly by itself and to lesser degrees by any other x_j"
That would only be the case for a prior kernel like the radial basis kernel (very common choice, but not required). I think I agree with the rest of your intuition though. The real issue with GP is that we really need to work with a covariance function (not finite-dimensional matrix) and if we could update our prior covariance function (e.g. $K(t,t')=\sigma e^{-\frac{||t-t'||^2}{2l^2}}$) analytically then we would be able to discard the training data. $\endgroup$