Let $F_1, F_2$ - two continuous CDF.
if $F_1 = F_2\quad F_2$ almost surely (i.e. probability of $x$ where $F_1(x)\neq F_2(x)$ is zero with respect to probability with CDF $F_2$).
Then $F_1 = F_2$ (everywhere).
Let $F_1, F_2$ - two continuous CDF.
if $F_1 = F_2\quad F_2$ almost surely (i.e. probability of $x$ where $F_1(x)\neq F_2(x)$ is zero with respect to probability with CDF $F_2$).
Then $F_1 = F_2$ (everywhere).
By contrapositive, if exists $x$ such that $F_1(x) \neq F_2(x)$
if $F_2(x) < F_1(x)$, then choose $y>x$ such that $F_2(y) > F_2(x)$ and $F_2(y) < F_1(x)$. Then $F_2(x) \neq F_1(x)$ on $[x,y]$ (by the monotony of F_1) and ${\Pr}_{F_2}([x,y]) \ge F_2(y) - F_2(x) > 0$.
if $F_2(x) > F_1(x)$, then choose $y<x$ such that $F_2(y) < F_2(x)$ and $F_2(y) > F_1(x)$. Then $F_2(x) \neq F_1(x)$ on $[y,x]$ (by the monotony of F_1) and ${\Pr}_{F_2}([y,x]) \ge F_2(x) - F_2(y)$ > 0.
Note I use only continuity of $F_2$ and statement true if $F_1$ is arbitrary.