All that is going on here is a notational trick - using Iverson brackets to index or "pick out" the appropriate element/row from a vector/matrix of parameters on Multinomial distributions. This arises fairly frequently in the main machine learning textbooks so it's a good one to be aware of. It's also one that got me extremely confused when I first came across it so I hope this will clarify things.
Picking out appropriate elements of a vector/matrix of parameters using Iverson brackets.
The Iverson bracket $[z_{dn} = t]$ is 1 when the latent topic assignment of the $d$th document for the $n$th word $z_{dn}$ is topic $t$, and 0 otherwise.
In order to understand what is going on here, let's explicitly write out the parametric form of the Multinomial* probability distribution on the word-level latent topic assignment indicators $z_{dn}$ using the notation your instructor has chosen:
$$p(z_{dn} | \theta_{d}) = \text{Multinomial}(z_{dn} | \theta_d) = \prod^T_{t=1} (\theta_{dt})^{[z_{dn} = \space t]}$$
In words, this says that the $n$th latent topic assignment of the $d$th document has a Multinomial distribution, parameterised by the vector $\theta_d \in \mathbb{R}^T$. The use of the Iverson bracket (in combination with the product operator) is to "pick out" the appropriate element of this $T$-dimensional parameter vector, so if we request the probability that $z_{dn}$ is topic $t$, we have:
p(z_{dn} = t | \theta_d) &= {\theta_{d1}}^{[z_{dn} = \space 1]} \cdot \space ... \space \cdot {\theta_{dt}}^{[z_{dn} = \space t]} \cdot \space ... \space \cdot {\theta_{dT}}^{[z_{dn} = \space T]} \\
&= {\theta_{d1}}^0 \cdot \space ... \cdot \space {\theta_{dt}}^1 \cdot \space ... \cdot \space {\theta_{dT}}^0 \\
&= \theta_{dt} \\
Similarly, for the probability of the observed words conditional on the latent topic indicators $w_{dn} | z_{dn}$, we have:
$$p(w_{dn} | z_{dn}, \Phi) = \text{Multinomial}(w_{dn} | z_{dn}, \Phi ) = \prod^T_{t=1} \prod^V_{v=1}(\phi_{tv})^{[z_{dn} = \space t] \cdot [w_{dn} = \space v]} = \prod^T_{t=1} {\phi_{t w_{dn}}}^{[z_{dn} = t]}$$
Here we are using $w_{dn}$ and $z_{dn}$ to pick out the appropriate element of the topic-word distribution matrix $\Phi \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times V}$. Each $(t,v)$-th element $\phi_{tv}$ corresponds to the conditional probability that the $n$th word in the $d$th document is word $v$, given that the topic indicator is topic $t$, that is, $\phi_{tv} = p(w_{dn} = v | z_{dn} = t)$. Together with the product operators, we are using the Iverson bracket $[z_{dn} = t]$ to look up the appropriate row, and $[w_{dn} = v]$ to look up the appropriate column. Instead of using the Iverson bracket $[w_{dn} = v]$ with the product operator $\prod_v$ to look up the appropriate column, it would seem that, similar to the original LDA paper, the instructor treats the word $w_{dn}$ as an (random) index, and writes this as a subscript directly in $\phi_{t w_{dn}}$ of the last equality.
Considering the term of interest and the above parametric functional forms, we have:
\log \prod^{N_d}_{n=1} p(z_{dn} | \theta_d) p(w_{dn} | z_{dn}, \Phi) &= \sum^{N_d}_{n=1} \log \left(\prod^T_{t=1} (\theta_{dt})^{[z_{dn} = \space t]} \cdot \prod^T_{t=1} {\phi_{t w_{dn}}}^{[z_{dn} = t]} \right)\\
&= \sum^{N_d}_{n=1} \log \left(\prod^T_{t=1} (\theta_{dt} \phi_{t w_{dn}})^{[z_{dn} = t]} \right)\\
&= \sum^{N_d}_{n=1} \sum^T_{t=1} [z_{dn} = t] (\log \theta_{dt} + \log \phi_{t w_{dn}})
As required.