I ultimately opted for using Fisher at the boundaries, then converting each bin to equivalent chi-square.
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2
def pearson_chi(x,y):
arr = (x-y)**2/y
return sum(arr)
def neyman_chi(x,y):
vars = np.maximum(x,1)
arr = (x-y)**2/vars
return sum(arr)
def mid_chi(x,y):
arr = y - x + x*np.log(x/y)
return 2*sum(arr)
def gof_chi(fobs, fexp, ddof, chi_fun=mid_chi, thresh=10):
fisher_candidates = fexp <= thresh
chi_candidates = ~fisher_candidates
if sum(chi_candidates) < 2: # chi-squared doesn't work on single-element arrays
fisher_candidates[:] = True
chi_total = 0
chi_total = chi_fun(fobs[chi_candidates], fexp[chi_candidates])
# Handle Fisher candidates individually
fisher_total = 0
sum_obs = sum(fobs)
sum_exp = sum(fexp)
candidate_pairs = zip(fobs[fisher_candidates], fexp[fisher_candidates])
for cand in candidate_pairs:
table = np.array([[cand[0], sum_obs-cand[0]],[cand[1], sum_exp-cand[1]]])
_, pval = scipy.stats.fisher_exact(table)
fisher_total += chi2.ppf(1-pval,1)
# Find full statistic and pval
stat = chi_total + fisher_total
pval = 1 - chi2.cdf(stat, len(fobs)-1-ddof)
return stat, pval
def poisson_fit(samp, average_fun=np.mean, chi_fun=mid_chi, thresh=10):
N = len(samp)
# Find lambda of Poisson
lam = average_fun(samp)
# Find upper edge
observed_edge = round(max(samp)) + 1
theoretical_edge = round(lam + 3*(lam**0.5)) # mean + n*SD
while round(scipy.stats.poisson.pmf(theoretical_edge, lam) * N) > 0:
theoretical_edge += 5
upper_edge = max(observed_edge, theoretical_edge)
edges = np.arange(-0.5, upper_edge + 0.5)
# Perform histogram binning
fobs, _ = np.histogram(samp, bins=np.arange(-0.5, upper_edge + 0.5))
fexp = np.round(scipy.stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(upper_edge), lam) * N)
# Select only nonzero pairs (to avoid increasing DF too much)
nonzero_bool = (fobs + fexp) > 0
nz_obs = fobs[nonzero_bool]
nz_exp = fexp[nonzero_bool]
return gof_chi(nz_obs, nz_exp, ddof=1, chi_fun=mid_chi)
# Generate data
for i in range(50):
sample = np.random.poisson(lam=4.1, size=30)