Problem Statement:
Suppose that the number of occurrences of a certain event in time interval $(0,t)$ has a Poisson distribution. If we know that $n$ such events have occurred in $(0,t),$ then the actual times, measured from $0,$ for the occurrences of the event in question form an ordered set of random variables, which we denote by $W_{(1)}\le W_{(2)}\le\cdots\le W_{(n)}.$ [$W_{(i)}$ actually is the waiting time from $0$ until the occurrence of the $i$th event.] It can be shown that the joint density function for $W_{(1)}, W_{(2)},\dots,W_{(n)}$ is given by $$f(w_1, w_2,\dots,w_n)= \begin{cases} \dfrac{n!}{t^n},&w_1\le w_2\le\cdots\le w_n\\ 0,&\text{elsewhere.} \end{cases} $$ [This is the density function for an ordered sample of size $n$ from a uniform distribution on the interval $(0,t).$] Suppose that telephone calls coming into a switchboard follow a Poisson distribution with a mean of ten calls per minute. A slow period of $2$ minutes' duration had only four calls.
- Find the probability that all four calls came in during the first minute; that is, find $P(W_{(4)}\le 1).$
- Find the expected waiting time, from the start of the $2$-minute period, until the fourth call.
My Work So Far:
What's extremely confusing to me in this problem is how to interpret all the numbers I'm given. So I'm told the underlying Poisson distribution has $\lambda=10.$ Where does that figure into solving this problem, if at all? Then we're examining a slow period of $2$ minutes: where does that figure into solving this problem? Should $n=4$ in the joint density function above? Or should $n=10?$
I think if I could please have a nudge in the right direction for the first part, I imagine I could easily perform the integral to get the second.
Many thanks for your time!