In Murphy’s Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction, he states that the loss function for a probabilistic classifier $f(x;\theta)$ is the following: $$\ell(y,f(x;\theta))= -\log p(y \mid f(x;\theta))$$ where $x$ is the input, $y$ the corresponding true output and $\theta$ the parameter vector of the model $f$.
My question is one of notation: Should it not rather be $-\log p(y \mid f,x,\theta )$? I feel that the original notation is saying the probability of the true label given the model output $f(x;\theta)$ taking a specific value $f(x;\theta)$ which doesn’t really capture what the “meaning” of this the probability distribution in this loss function (the probability of the true label $y$ of $x$, given the model choice $f$, the input $x$, and the parameters of the model).
Am I splitting hairs / missing something?