I am trying to predict a multiclass categorical outcome variable by comparing different classifier algorithms.
I've got a dataset that includes two categorical variables that have many labels (>2000). The problem is that the proportion they make up is fairly evenly distributed, which is why I think collapsing the variables wouldn't be a very good option. The following is the distribution for the 10 most frequent labels for the variable:
Government Of Tanzania 20.932829
Danida 5.186667
Hesawa 3.833314
World Bank 2.289588
Rwssp 2.230204
World Vision 2.186914
Kkkt 2.135668
Unicef 1.837318
Tasaf 1.644216
Dhv 1.457457
0 1.362791
Private Individual 1.350987
Dwsp 1.347113
Since label encoding and one-hot encoding wouldn't be a good option in this case, because of the large number of labels,
what would be a good encoding in this case?