Sorry for the confusing wording of the title. If some has any better way to word it, please feel free to change it.
For those unfamiliar with bioinformatics data, I have data from a microRNA-seq experiment. In this experiment, small pieces of our DNA, called reads, are extracted, aligned to the genome, and each part (microRNA) of the genome that gets a read aligned to it, gets a count. In the end, we get counts for each microRNA in each sample. The data looks something like this
Mature.miRNA.ID DRX003170_Lung DRX003171_Lung DRX005946_Saliva
1 hsa-let-7a-2-3p 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 hsa-let-7a-3p 0.9 1.9 0.0
3 hsa-let-7a-3p 0.9 1.9 0.0
4 hsa-let-7a-5p 71231.0 81214.2 1534.5
5 hsa-let-7a-5p 71234.1 81219.4 1448.0
Note: count data is supposed to be integer, but these values have been normalized using a technique called RPM. The normalized count for microRNA i
in sample j
$$10^6\frac{c_{ij}}{\sum_{k=1}^{n} c_{kj}}$$
Basically, the normalized count for a microRNA in a sample reflects what fraction of the reads mapped to that microRNA in that sample (multiplied by a million)
It might happen that even if some microRNA is not present in the cell, a read can still align to it, giving it a count (some microRNAs are similar so misalignments can happen). So if a microRNA has a count of, say 4.2, we have to ask, is this because it was present in the cell, or were the reads actually supposed to go to another microRNA and got mapped to this one accidentally? You can see here how the p-value can get complicated. If microRNA A and microRNA B are very similar and A has a count of 532.1 while B has a count of 0, we should be able to safely conclude that A was present in the cell and B wasn't. But if A has a count of 532.1 and B has a count of 3.4, you can't confidently say that B was present in the cell. But if A had a count of 4.1 and B had a count of 3.4, you might be a bit more confident that B was present in the cell. So we can see how the p-value for presence of B depends on the count of A. This can get more complicated when you have more than two related microRNAs. Say A, B, C, D, E are all similar. Then the p-value for A's presence depends on the counts of B, C, D, and E.
So I'm wondering what kind of test I can use to determine if A is present given the counts of its related microRNAs. I hope the question makes sense.