I have a continuous random variable $X$ that can easily be sampled. I don't have any other assumption on $X$. Let's say I have sampled $X$ and I have constructed the set $S$. We can assume that $S$ is as big as needed.
I want to be able to approximate its probability distribution. By this I mean that I would like to "guess" a probability distribution, such that if it is sampled it will give me a set of values $T$, which is statistically equivalent to $S$. I do understand that this is still a vague question, so I am happy with any practical solution.
I guess the obvious solution is to approximate the PDF by the "histogram" of $S$. I assume that if $S$ is big enough, the approximation will be good enough. But is there anything more clever that can be done?
Is there any known and trusted method to do that? For example, can I use the first few moments to improve my guess?