I have a pre-post experimental design, where I have measured participants' performance in three courses (tasks; A, B, C) at both pre and post-test. The study is a learning experiment. 60 elite alpine skiers have practised 12 runs in each of the three courses (A, B, C). One group have practised these courses in 'random' order, e.g., 'ABC, whereas the other group have practised these courses in a blocked order, e.g. 'AAA, BBB, CCC. I want to build a model to test whether the 'random' group performed better on post-test when controlling for pre-test performance. So the pre-test is just an earlier version of their performance. The data structure looks like this:
subjectID | Course | Group | pre-test.score | post-test.score |
1 | A | ii | ### | # |
1 | B | ii | ### | # |
1 | C | ii | ### | # |
2 | A | b | ### | # |
2 | B | b | ### | # |
2 | C | b | ### | # |
I have analysed these data using a linear mixed-effect regression model where I predict post-test performance, controlling for pre-test performance with the + sign:
# I fit these models with lmer in R
CI_post <- lmer(
post ~
pre +
group * course
+ (1|subjectID) ,
data = dat,
Using Satterthwaite's method from the emmeans package I get:
CI_post_interaction_coursegroup <- emmeans(CI_post, specs = c("course", "group"),lmer.df = "satterthwaite")
course group emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
A blocked 0.311 0.191 6.65 -0.1452 0.768
B blocked 0.649 0.180 5.38 0.1954 1.102
C blocked 1.141 0.195 7.28 0.6847 1.598
A interleaved 0.189 0.194 7.15 -0.2666 0.645
B interleaved 0.497 0.179 5.31 0.0451 0.949
C interleaved 1.046 0.191 6.72 0.5907 1.502
But I could perhaps also perform the same model adding pre-test with as an interaction term to the model, so that that the model becomes pre.test * course * group
CI_post <- lmer(
post ~
pre *
group * course
+ (1|subjectID),
data = dat,
, which gives very different estimates:
course group emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
A blocked -0.0669 0.188 11.10 -0.481 0.347
B blocked 0.6466 0.161 6.09 0.255 1.038
C blocked 1.1980 0.194 12.65 0.778 1.618
A interleaved -0.1520 0.211 16.76 -0.597 0.293
B interleaved 0.4872 0.160 6.12 0.098 0.876
C interleaved 1.0593 0.181 9.82 0.654 1.464
I am trying to understand the exact differences between these two models, and which is them is "correct"?. Long (see comments below) gave a helpful comment that "if you want the group:course interaction to vary depending on the value of pre then you fit the 2nd model with the 3-way interaction". But since my pre-test score is a continuous variable that measured each participant's performance on course A, course B and course C, will the model use this data structure when I add an interaction term between the covariate and factors in the model?
interaction to vary depending on the value ofpre.diff
then you fit the 2nd model with the 3-way interaction. $\endgroup$