
I have the following assignment with R:

Simulate 5000 samples of size 15 from the distribution chi.sq with df=5. For each of these samples do the test H0: 𝜇 = 5 vs 𝐻1: 𝜇 <5 with alpha 3%, using the t-test for the mean of a normal population. Next, estimate the exact alpha of the test (ie find the percentage of incorrect rejections of H0). Is it close to 3%? If you had to "correct" the critical value you used in (a), what would it be? Hint: Use 𝑡 = (𝑋̅ - 𝜇0) √𝑛 as a statistical control function and find (by simulation) its distribution when the data comes from the chi square distribution(df=5). Then select an appropriate quantile of this distribution as the critical control point.

My attempt so far:





Many thanks for your time!

  • $\begingroup$ I ran your R code. It seems a reasonable start on the first part. (+1). However, you need to comment your code so it is clear what you are doing and to show the numerical and graphical results. $\endgroup$
    – BruceET
    Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 6:11

1 Answer 1


First, experiment with (appropriate) normal data to show that the significance level is truly 3%. I use more than 5000 iterations to get better accuracy; $10^5$ iterations are enough to get about 2-place accuracy.

set.seed(1217) # for reproducibility
t.stat = replicate(10^5, t.test(rnorm(15,5,10), mu=5, alt="less")$stat)
mean(t.stat <= qt(.03, 14))
[1] 0.03034   ​# aprx sig level, normal data
2*sd(t.stat <= qt(.03, 14))/sqrt(10^5)
[1] 0.0010848 # aprx 95% margin of simulation error

The true significance level is $0.030 \pm 0.001.$ The critical value for a test at the 3% level, from distribution $\mathsf{T}(\nu = 14),$ is $c = -2.0461.$

qt(.03, 14)
[1] -2.046169

Below is a plot of the $10^5$ t statistics along with the density function of $\mathsf{T}(\nu=14)$

hist(t.stat, prob=T, br=30, col="skyblue2")
 curve(dt(x, 14), add=T, lwd=2, col="orange")

enter image description here

Repeat for (inappropriate) chi-squared data.

set.seed(1218) # for reproducibility     
t.stat = replicate(10^5, t.test(rchisq(15,5), mu=5, alt="less")$stat)
mean(t.stat <= qt(.03, 14))
[1] 0.06346      # aprx sig level, normal data 
2*sd(t.stat <= qt(.03, 14))/sqrt(10^5)
[1] 0.001541862

With such severely non-normal data, the true significance level is $0.063 \pm 0.002,$ which is far from 3%.

The critical value $c^\prime$ that cuts probability 3% from the lower tail of the distribution of the t-statistic used just above is approximately $-2.703.$

quantile(t.stat, .03)

Here is a plot of the t statistics from using chi-squared data along with the density function of $\mathsf{T}(\nu=14).$ It is clear that the t statistic for such chi-squared data does not have a t distribution.

The critical value $c$ that cuts 3% from the lower tail of the t distribution is shown as a brown line; the value $c^\prime$ that cuts 3% from the lower tail of the simulated values in the histogram is shown in blue.

enter image description here

Using this modified critical value, the significance level for the t statistic with such chi-squared data is about 3%.

> mean(t.stat <= -2.703)
[1] 0.03
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you BruceET! It is a clear and concise solution. I cannot upvote due to low reputation. $\endgroup$
    – floraa
    Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 10:04
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Your thanks is enough. However, you should take the site tour to learn how to use this site to best advantage, and I think you'll get rep points for that. And soon you'll be able to upvote as you like. // Meanwhile, do you fully understand my R code? If not, I'm willing to answer a couple of related questions in Comments. // This is a very nice and important question. Opens the way to parametric bootstrapping and other topics of major importance. $\endgroup$
    – BruceET
    Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 12:09
  • $\begingroup$ +10 if I could. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 15:27
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @ BruceET : I can say it was all clear to me. ONly thing I am missing is the code for the 2nd plot. Many thanks again! $\endgroup$
    – floraa
    Commented Dec 19, 2021 at 23:46
  • $\begingroup$ Microsoft has 'updated' my computer so the R code for the 2nd figure is gone. Very similar to R code for first figure, so I left it out. Vertical lines are new, One of them can be made with abline(v = qt(.03, 14), lwd=2, col="brown") after hist and curve. $\endgroup$
    – BruceET
    Commented Dec 20, 2021 at 0:48

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