Suppose I observe a vector $\mathbf{x}=[X_1 \ldots X_n]$, where each $X_i=m_i+n_i$, with $n_i$ being an independent zero-mean Gaussian random variable with variance $\sigma^2$ (i.e. $n_i\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$ i.i.d.) and $\mathbf{m}=[m_1 \ldots m_n]$ is an unknown vector with a known Euclidean length to the origin $l(\mathbf{m})=\|\mathbf{m}\|_2=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n m_i^2}$.
Suppose that the Euclidean length of the unknown vector $\mathbf{m}$ can equally likely be either $l_0$ or $l_1$, and, without loss of generality, $l_0<l_1$. Now, given the vector of noisy observations $\mathbf{x}$ I need to decide whether the length of $\mathbf{m}$ is $l_0$ or $l_1$. Note that I do not know (nor do I need to know for my answer) the values in $\mathbf{m}$, just the two possibilities for length.
The intuitive procedure is to compute the Euclidean length of the observed vector $S=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^nX_i^2}$, and then select whichever of $l_0$ or $l_1$ is closer to $S$ (based on some threshold that is related to the probabilities of error that you are willing to tolerate). Since $S^2$ is a non-central chi-square random variable, one can (numerically) obtain (at least bounds) on the probabilities of error of this approach.
However, is $S$ the "best" test statistic (in the sense of Neyman-Pearson optimality) for this problem? If it is not optimal, is a better test known? If $S$ is optimal, is there a proof of its optimality in the literature?
My prior effort
This seems like a problem that should be well-studied. In fact, it is related to the problem of non-coherent detection in communications theory, where $S^2$ is used by the square-law detector. John Proakis has a proof on pages 304-306 of "Digital Communications" (4th edition) that $S$ as defined is the N-P test statistic for when $n=2$ (detection of a complex-valued symbol with arbitrary phase offset). He essentially projects the problem into polar coordinate system, and takes the expectation of the test statistic over the uniform distribution for the angle.
I tried a naive approach of extending Proakis' proof to $n$-spherical coordinate system (since $\mathbf{m}$ can be thought of a coordinate on an $n$-sphere with radius $l_k$) and computing the likelihood function (from N-P) by taking the expectation over the uniform distribution on all the angles. However, while I can get a closed form expression $n=3$ which yields the N-P test statistic defined by $S$, the integration gets really nasty for $n>3$. Perhaps there is something more clever that one can do, maybe using the circular symmetry of joint distribution of i.i.d. Gaussians.
This question is related to my previous question.