I am working through the pymc3 Bayesian Survival Analysis example at the link below and I'm struggling to understand their use of pm.Potential
The heart of the example comes down to the following two snippets of code:
y_obs = pm.Gumbel("y_obs", η[~cens_], s, observed=y_std[~cens])
y_cens = pm.Potential("y_cens", gumbel_sf(y_std[cens], η[cens_], s))
Basically what is being done is they are modeling observed survival as a Gumbel distribution and censoring as a Gumbel survival function. In general that sort of makes sense to me. I do think I understand how observed deaths and observed censoring mathematically relate to these distributions. I just don't understand what pm.Potential
is doing. In fact, if I take it out it doesn't appear to affect anything. Is it there to just calculate y_cens
? If so, how do I access that value since I don't see it in the trace output. At this moment, I'm thinking the censored values are contributing nothing to this model and the fitted survival data is entirely based on a gumbel distribution fit of observed deaths. However, I also suspect, if I could figure out how to plot y_cens
, it would also be able to give me a very similar estimate of survival trends.
Can anyone educate me on the function of pm.Potential
in the above example?