Would anyone be able to explain conceptually why GLMMs with a random intercept at the study level are occasionally used for meta-analysis of proportions / counts, when the observations are already at the level of the study? I only have one observation per study in my dataset, so I'm not sure where the within study variation / hierarchical structure is coming from for the model.
To provide a little more detail, I'm conducting a meta-regression of factors associated with loss to follow-up in a sample of RCTs. Each RCT has an associated number of patients lost to follow-up over a follow-up period. I am likely going to model this using a poisson-normal model in metafor (which has been a really amazing package), using code similar to the below:
mf.poisson <- rma.glmm(measure="IRLN", xi=lost.to.fu, ti=patient.years, mods = moderator, data=test)
For a small fabricated dataset, this produces an estimate of 1.255 (95%CI 0.64, 1.87), or when exponentiated, a relative rate of 3.51 (95%CI 1.90, 6.49). Tau^2 = 0.51, I^2 = 86%.
To try to understand the modelling, I also ran the following using lme4 with an offset for log patient years, and random intercept at the study level:
lme.poisson <- glmer(lost.to.fu ~ moderator + offset(log.patient.years) + (1 | study.number), data=test, family = poisson(link = "log”))
confint(lme.poisson, method="Wald")
Which, for the same fabricated data, produced an estimate of 1.254 (95%CI 0.64, 1.87). Essentially the same. Random effects variance of 0.51 (tau^2). (However not sure how to calculate I^2 using lme4, so thank goodness for metafor!)
Lastly, I ran the following is using a naive poisson model:
naive.poisson <- glm(lost.to.fu ~ moderator + offset(log.patient.years), data=test, family = poisson(link = "log"))
And the estimate was quite similar, although not exactly the same: 1.22 (95% CI 0.98, 1.47).
So I'm not sure why mixed models are used, when I only have 1 observation per study.
Thank you very much for your help! And I'm sorry for my ignorance - I'm a medical resident doing a graduate program in clinical epidemiology, and am very new to these concepts and R!
Sincerely, Richard