In classification problems, "non-probabilistic" machine learning models such as boosted trees, neural networks, etc. are known to produce poorly-calibrated class scores, which aren't suitable for use as posterior probability estimates.
See e.g. "On Calibration of Modern Neural Networks" (Guo et al, 2017) and "Obtaining Calibrated Probabilities from Boosting" (Niculescu-Mizil & Caruana, 2012).
However, are the rankings of scores still generally valid?
For example, consider a classification neural network with 5 outputs. Is it valid to treat the output scores as ranks? Suppose the model predicts scores of A:0.64, B:0.23, C:0.10, D:0.02, and E:0.01. Is it valid to say that classes A-C are the "top 3" model predictions? Is it valid to say that class B is more probable than class C for this prediction?
I have done this many times in my own work, and I haven't seen it produce bad results. But I have also never considered if there are known problems with this procedure, either theoretical or empirical.