I need to perform a GLM based analysis on a purely positive, continuous, and highliy right skewed (inflated around low values) outcome variable. I tested several combinations of distributions and link functions with the Akaike and Bayesian Information Criterions as proposed in this textbook: glm_log_gam glm_sqrt_gam glm_log_gam glm_sqrt_gau glm_log_gau glm_log_igau glm_log_poi glm_sqrt_poi
The Gamma distribution with both square root and log link returned almost identical AIC and BIC values (both far superior to the other combinations):
Here are the P-P plots for the two (using deviance residuals):
Now I am wondering how to determine the more appropriate/ "best fit" for my model. In case it might be of any help, here are descriptive statistics about my regressand: