After having read about the curse of dimensionality, I have been looking into a filtered version of the Superconductivity dataset.
The number of dimensions is 81, so initially I thought that reducing the dimensions using PCA could help to improve the prediction power. (The majority of the articles I have read about the curse of dimensionality speak about dimensions greater than 10) Surprisingly, I found the opposite:
# Using caret library and a loop to iterate
# over the number principal components to use:
for (pca_component_i in seq(5, 80, by = 5))
fitControl <- trainControl(
preProcOptions=list(pcaComp =
method = "repeatedcv",
number = 4,
repeats = 2,
verboseIter = FALSE
model1 <- train(train_X, train_y,
method = "glm",
trControl = fitControl,
preProc = c("pca"),
metric = "RMSE"
print(RMSE(predict(model1, newdata=test_X),
[1] 20.42709
[1] 18.36957
[1] 15.0958
[1] 11.05231
[1] 2.58729
[1] 1.250649
[1] 0.3855323
[1] 0.2942177
[1] 0.1621667
[1] 0.1147847
[1] 0.03312724
[1] 0.02567603
[1] 0.01053921
[1] 0.007634504
[1] 0.001618915
[1] 7.672395e-06
On the other hand, it also looks pretty obvious behavior cause more principal components explain more variance. So,
- What am I misunderstanding?
- Is there any possible situation where reducing the dimensionality of the data lead to a increase of the prediction power?