
I am currently reading paper Auto-encoding Variational Bayes and I am not being able to understand the highlighted part in the screenshot below:

enter image description here

I am not understanding why there is f(z) and what is its significance. Also, why the gradient estimator exhibits high variance. It may be because I do not have knowledge on Monte Carlo gradient estimation. Can anyone please provide me some insight on this or provide me some helpful resources for understanding Monte Carlo Gradient Estimation?


1 Answer 1


Before answering your question, I would suggest you to read An Introduction to Variational Autoencoders which is a more detailed and extended version of the referenced paper.

So $f$ is used as a general term for an objective function which we aim to optimize.

Monte Carlo Methods use repeated sampling from random processes to estimate a value. This means that we draw $L$ latent variables $z^{(l)}$ from $q_{\theta}(z|x^{(i)})$ and then take the average of the gradient ($\frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^L$).

In this case with $z$ being iid, the total variance is the sum of variances. Therefore, the variance increases when $L$ increases (and this only for one datapoint). In the next section, they say that $L$ can be set to 1 if the batch size is large enough.


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