I am quite new in linear mixed-effects models, and trying to figure out how to properly design my model according to what I want to show (especially with the nesting and random effect). I am reading several tutorials and examples in forums, but it’s still a bit confusing. My several attempts ended up obtaining very different results from a simple repeated ANOVA. Therefore, I suspect that I am doing something wrong.
The experimental design is quite simple:
- I have two groups of subjects (experimental group and control group), each subject receiving one specific treatment.
- In each group, I have males and females.
- I measure the treatment response after 1, 2, and 3 months (three time points).
Ultimately, I would like to estimate:
- The effect of treatment on my measure (fixed)
- The effect of sex on my measure (fixed)
- Whether my measure changes over time (over the three months) (random?)
- The interaction between treatment, sex and change over time
|| ID | Treat | Sex | Month | Measure || ||----|---------|-----|-------|---------|| || s1 | treat1 | M | 1 | 324 || || s1 | treat1 | M | 2 | 328 || || s1 | treat1 | M | 3 | 379 || || s2 | treat1 | F | 1 | 327 || || s2 | treat1 | F | 2 | 360 || || s2 | treat1 | F | 3 | 399 || || s3 | treat2 | M | 1 | 336 || || s3 | treat2 | M | 2 | 431 || || s3 | treat2 | M | 3 | 351 || || s4 | treat2 | F | 1 | 320 || || s4 | treat2 | F | 2 | 305 || || s4 | treat2 | F | 3 | 376 ||
I would like to avoid having the three levels of months in my model, but rather a global effect of time over my measurements. I guess the my variable Month is nested within treatment, but my different trials to compute the model failed.
model <- lmer(Measure ~ Treat * Sex * Month + (1 + Treat * Sex | Month), data)
Happy to provide more details...
Thank you very much for you help and insight!
Many thanks for the help. I understand much better what I need to do.
I tried to model my data using each individual as random effect.
model <- lmer(Score ~ Treat * Sex * Month + (1 | ID), data)
This is what I obtain:
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: Score ~ Treat * Sex * Month + (1 | ID)
Data: data
REML criterion at convergence: 271.7
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.78970 -0.52428 0.03797 0.44426 2.62502
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
ID (Intercept) 1.068 1.033
Residual 1.166 1.080
Number of obs: 84, groups: ID, 31
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 15.08581 0.58668 61.55813 25.714 <2e-16 ***
TreatEXP -0.83115 0.86683 62.39386 -0.959 0.3413
SexM 0.26652 0.82943 61.58985 0.321 0.7490
Month8 0.04437 0.65994 50.90799 0.067 0.9467
Month12 1.23650 0.59705 47.52705 2.071 0.0438 *
TreatEXP:SexM -0.02797 1.17231 60.15952 -0.024 0.9810
TreatEXP:Month8 -1.52711 0.92560 49.28606 -1.650 0.1053
TreatEXP:Month12 -1.79569 0.88186 47.58390 -2.036 0.0473 *
SexM:Month8 1.24144 0.88969 49.31780 1.395 0.1692
SexM:Month12 1.14472 0.86380 48.26876 1.325 0.1913
TreatEXP:SexM:Month8 -0.20806 1.22646 48.05375 -0.170 0.8660
TreatEXP:SexM:Month12 -1.37308 1.20781 47.48363 -1.137 0.2613
I’m not quite sure why I have Month8 and Month12 instead of just Month. I rather would like to see an overall effect of time on my dependent variable Score, a bit what I obtain when I perform an ANOVA.
fit_all <- aov_ez('ID', 'Score', data, between = c('Treat', 'Sex'), within = c('Month'))
And this is what I obtain with the ANOVA:
Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity
Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df F value Pr(>F)
(Intercept) 13625.4 1 82.352 18 2978.1552 < 2.2e-16 ***
Treat 80.5 1 82.352 18 17.5897 0.0005454 ***
Sex 14.9 1 82.352 18 3.2582 0.0878224 .
Treat:Sex 0.6 1 82.352 18 0.1407 0.7119409
Month 8.9 2 31.631 36 5.0489 0.0116734 *
Treat:Month 27.5 2 31.631 36 15.6423 1.291e-05 ***
Sex:Month 2.3 2 31.631 36 1.2852 0.2889756
Treat:Sex:Month 0.6 2 31.631 36 0.3276 0.7228025
As you can see there is a massive difference between LME model and ANOVA...
Again, thank you very much for your comments, they are extremely helpful.
and not|Month
, unless you think months are the statistical units. $\endgroup$