I am wondering if it is appropriate to use a standard scaler (center and divide by std) to scale categorical and real number variables in a data set for the purpose of comparing the resulting linear regression model coefficient variables together to determine feature importance. For example, in the Kaggle insurance dataset (with target value charges) we have real numbered columns age and bmi. We have an integer column number of children. We also have categorical columns region, sex, and smoker. Is it appropriate to one hot encode region, and encode sex and smoker as 0/1 data. Then standard scale all columns (age, bmi, children, encoded sex, encoded smoker, and one hot region columns), fit a linear regression model, and compare the resulting coefficients against each other for the purposes of feature importance analysis.
I realize that it doesn't make a lot of sense to talk about how a 1 standard deviation increase in how sex, region or smoker affects insurance charges but I'm wondering if it is still appropriate to compare scaled sex, region, and smoker predictors, against the other scaled variables like bmi, age, and num children. Actually - maybe it does make a little sense to talk about how a one standard deviation increase in smoker affects charges.
Is there anything inherently wrong with standardizing sex, smoker, and region?