I am currently studying the textbook In All Likelihood by Yudi Pawitan. In chapter 2 Elements of likelihood inference, the author presents the following example:
Example 2.4: Suppose $x$ is a sample form $N(\theta, 1)$; the likelihood of $\theta$ is $$L(\theta) = \phi(x - \theta) \equiv \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}(x - \theta)^2}.$$ The dashed curve in Figure 2.3(d) is the likelihood based on observing $x = 2.45$.
Suppose it is known only that $0.9 < x < 4$; then the likelihood of $\theta$ is $$L(\theta) = P(0.9 < X < 4) = \Phi(4 - \theta) - \Phi(0.9 - \theta),$$ where $\Phi(z)$ is the standard normal distribution function. The likelihood is shown in solid line in Figure 2.3(d).
Suppose $x_1, \dots, x_n$ are an identically and independently distributed (iid) sample from $N(\theta, 1)$, and only the maximum $x_{(n)}$ is reported, while the others are missing. The distribution function of $x_{(n)}$ is $$\begin{align} F(t) &= P(X_{(n)} \le t) \\ &= P(X_i \le t, \ \text{for each} \ i) \\ &= \{\Phi(t - \theta)\}^n . \end{align}$$ So, the likelihood based on observing $x_{(n)}$ is $$L(\theta) = p_{\theta}(x_{(n)}) = n \{ \Phi(x_{(n)} - \theta) \}^{n - 1} \phi(x_{(n)} - \theta).$$ Figure 2.3(d) shows this likelihood as a dotted line for $n = 5$ and $x_{(n)} = 3.5$.
There is a general heuristic to deal with order statistics for an iid sample from continuous density $p_\theta(x)$. Assume a finite precision $\epsilon$, and partition the real line into a regular grid of width $\epsilon$. Taking an iid sample $x_1, \dots, x_n$ is like performing a multinomial experiment: throw $n$ balls to cells with probability $p(x) \epsilon$ and record where they land. For example, the probability of the order statistics $x_{(1)}, \dots, x_{(n)}$ is approximately $$n! \epsilon^n \prod_i p_\theta(x_{(i)}).$$ Knowing only the maximum $x_{(n)}$, the multinomial argument yields immediately the likelihood given above. If only $x_{(1)}$ and $x_{(n)}$ are given, the likelihood of $\theta$ is $$L(\theta) = \dfrac{n(n - 1)}{2} \epsilon^2 p_\theta(x_{(1)})p_\theta(x_{(n)})\{ F_\theta(x_{(n)}) - F_\theta(x_{(1)}) \}^{n - 2},$$ where $F_\theta(x)$ is the underlying distribution function. $\square$
Everything until "There is a general heuristic to deal with order statistics ..." seems to make sense to me. However, after this, it isn't clear to me that what the author is saying is correct / makes sense. For instance, I don't see how knowing only the maximum $x_{(n)}$, the multinomial argument yields immediately the likelihood $L(\theta) = p_{\theta}(x_{(n)}) = n \{ \Phi(x_{(n)} - \theta) \}^{n - 1} \phi(x_{(n)} - \theta)$. Furthermore, I don't see how, if only $x_{(1)}$ and $x_{(n)}$ are given, the likelihood of $\theta$ is $L(\theta) = \dfrac{n(n - 1)}{2} \epsilon^2 p_\theta(x_{(1)})p_\theta(x_{(n)})\{ F_\theta(x_{(n)}) - F_\theta(x_{(1)}) \}^{n - 2}$. How does this part make sense?