In general, $\begin{bmatrix}
\mu_Y \\
\end{bmatrix}$ and
\sigma_{11} & \sigma_{12} \\
\sigma_{12} & \sigma_{22}
are not the expectation and covariance matrix of your truncated bivariate normal distribution.
One way to calculate these is given by Manjunath and Wilhelm (2021) and implemented in the mtmvnorm
function of the tmvtnorm
package by the same authors.
They derived the expected value and covariance matrix of a truncated $d$–variate normal random variable $\mathbf X = \left(X_1, \ldots, X_d\right)^\top$, component-wise truncated from below at $\mathbf a = \left(a_1, \ldots, a_d\right)^\top$ and from above at $\mathbf b = \left(b_1, \ldots, b_d\right)^\top$, by partially differentiating the corresponding moment generating function
\mathop{M_{\mathbf X}}\left(\mathbf t\right) = \frac{\left|2\pi\boldsymbol\Sigma\right|^{-1/2}}{\mathop{\mathbb P}\left(\mathbf a \leq \mathbf X \leq \mathbf b\right)} \int_{\mathbf a}^{\mathbf b} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2} \left[\left(\mathbf x - \boldsymbol \mu\right)^\top {\boldsymbol \Sigma}^{-1} \left(\mathbf x - \boldsymbol \mu\right) - 2 \cdot \mathbf t^\top\mathbf x\right] \right) \mathrm d \mathbf x,
where $\leq$ denotes component-wise inequality, $\mathbf t = \left(t_1, \ldots, t_d\right)^\top$, and $\boldsymbol \mu$ and $\boldsymbol \Sigma$ are the expected value and (non-singular) covariance matrix of the underlying untruncated $d$–variate normal random variable.
This yields
\mathop{\mathbb E}\left(X_i\right)
&= \frac{\partial \mathop{M_{\mathbf X}}\left(\mathbf t\right)}{\partial t_i}\bigg|_{\mathbf t = \mathbf 0} \\
&= \mu_i + \sum_{k=1}^d \sigma_{i,k} \left(\mathop{f_{X_k}}\left(a_k\right) - \mathop{f_{X_k}}\left(b_k\right)\right),
\mathop{\mathbb E}\left(X_iX_j\right)
&= \frac{\partial^2 \mathop{M_{\mathbf X}}\left(\mathbf t\right)}{\partial t_i\partial t_j}\bigg|_{\mathbf t = \mathbf 0}\\
&= \sigma_{i,j}
+ \sum_{k=1}^d \sigma_{i,k} \frac{\sigma_{j,k}\left(a_k\mathop{f_{X_k}}\left(a_k\right)-b_k\mathop{f_{X_k}}\left(b_k\right)\right)}{\sigma_{k,k}} \\
&\quad + \sum_{k=1}^d \sigma_{i,k} \sum_{q \neq k} \left(\sigma_{j, q} - \frac{\sigma_{k,q}\sigma_{j,k}}{\sigma_{k,k}}\right)\left[\left(\mathop{f_{X_k,X_q}}\left(a_k,a_q\right) - \mathop{f_{X_k,X_q}}\left(a_k,b_q\right)\right) \\
- \left(\mathop{f_{X_k,X_q}}\left(b_k,a_q\right) - \mathop{f_{X_k,X_q}}\left(b_k,b_q\right)\right)\right],
which also determines the entries the covariance matrix of $\mathbf X$ via $\mathop{\mathrm{Cov}}\left(X_i,X_j\right) = \mathop{\mathbb E}\left(X_iX_j\right) - \mathop{\mathbb E}\left(X_i\right) \mathop{\mathbb E}\left(X_j\right)$.
That reduces the problem to evaluating $\mathop{f_{X_k}}$ and $\mathop{f_{X_k,X_q}}$, the marginal density of $X_k$ and $\left(X_k,X_q\right)$, respectively, at specific points.
The former can be achieved with the algorithm given in Cartinhour (1990). The latter turns out to be the product of $1/{\mathop{\mathbb P}\left(\mathbf a \leq \mathbf X \leq \mathbf b\right)}$, a bivariate normal density (evaluated at those points), and the multivariate normal probability obtained by integrating a $(d-2)$-variate normal density over a hyperrectangle.
For your problem
n <- 500000
mu <- c(0, 0.5)
sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.3, 0.3, 1), 2, 2)
lb <- c(-1, 0)
ub <- c( 1, 1)
X <- rtmvnorm(n, mu, sigma, lb, ub)
# [1] 0.0007696717 0.5002392194
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 0.287768996 0.007486595
# [2,] 0.007486595 0.080491050
their code gives
# devtools::install_github("stefanwilhelm/tmvtnorm")
tmvtnorm::mtmvnorm(mean = mu,
sigma = sigma,
lower = lb,
upper = ub)
# $tmean
# [1] 0.0 0.5
# $tvar
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 0.287549082 0.007606965
# [2,] 0.007606965 0.080405828
in the code, they are not the mean and covariance of the simulated random variable. $\endgroup$