Below is an example of ridge regression for a linear model with two negatively correlated regressors. We can make the decision to penalize both coefficients or only one the first coefficient.
Based on the simulations it seems that the first coefficient has a lower least square error if we decide to penalize only the first coefficient and not the second coefficient as well. This is at the cost of the least square error of the second coefficient.
Output of the R-code below
Average coefficient estimate (the true coefficient is 1 and the higher 0.7438648 value mean less shrinking)
One regularised Both regularised
beta_1 beta_2 beta_1 beta_2
[1] 0.6361610 0.7438648 0.6021872 0.6015797
Least squares error
For the first coefficient: If we only regularise the first coefficient then the 0.419 value is lower than the 0.464 mean squared error value for the situation where we regularise both.
For the second coefficient: the story is the other way around. While the mean squared error for the first coefficient is improved it is decreased for the second coefficient.
One regularised Both regularised
beta_1 beta_2 beta_1 beta_2
[1] 0.4191937 0.5506929 0.4639312 0.4639455
This situation is only the case for negatively correlated regressors. So this effect will depend on the situation. It is not unimaginable that for each type of correlation there is a type of balance between penalties that optimizes the error for one of the coeffients at the cost of the error in the other.
n = 5
rho = -0.7
fit = function(par, xt,yt,xv,yv, both=1, r = 0) {
### perform training with ridge regression
M = t(xt) %*% xt + par^2*matrix(c(1,0,0,both),2)
beta = solve(M) %*% t(xt) %*% yt
### perform validation for selection of ideal 'par' value
fit_y = xv %*% beta
error = sum((fit_y-yv)^2)
if (r==0) {
return(error) # return optimal penalty
} else {
return(beta) # return beta at optimal penalty
beta = function() {
### training data
xt = mvrnorm(n, c(0,0), matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),2))
yt = rowSums(xt) + rnorm(n)
### validation data
xv = mvrnorm(n, c(0,0), matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),2))
yv = rowSums(xv) + rnorm(n)
### optimize ridge regression
### penalizing only on coefficient
opt = optim(0,fit,xt=xt,yt=yt,xv=xv,yv=yv, both = 0)
### optimize ridge regression
### penalizing both coefficients
opt2 = optim(0,fit,xt=xt,yt=yt,xv=xv,yv=yv, both = 1)
b1 = fit(opt$par,xt=xt,yt=yt,xv=xv,yv=yv, both = 0, r=1)
b2 = fit(opt2$par,xt=xt,yt=yt,xv=xv,yv=yv, both = 1, r=1)
b = replicate(10^4, beta())