In a reflective measurement model, the number of degrees of freedom is calculated according to the number of information (covariances / variances) minus the number of parameters to be estimated (factor loadings, variance of the latent factor, error variances of the manifest variables).
See Eoin's example below. Here I have 7 parameters to estimate (3 factor loadings, 3 error variances, variance of the latent variable) but only 6 pieces of information (3 covariances, 3 variances). Therefore, I fix a factor loading to 1 and my model is just so identified.
6 - 6 = 0 degrees of freedom.
Now if I look at my code and the formative right model. Then Lavaan shows me -3 degrees of freedom.
modUU <- '
# Measurment Model
AB <~ AB1 + AB2 + AB3'
fit1 <- cfa(modUU, df)
How do these -3 degrees of freedom come about? What information do I have? Which do I estimate?
Apparently the 6 covariances are not used in this case, because I am estimating a maximum of 4 values, right? So it should actually be overidentified in this case.
I would appreciate some feedback.