You don't have much details about the process, so you can aim only at a rough approximation of the distribution. The simple, approximate solution is not hard though.
You know how often animals of different sizes appear in the population, we need those frequencies to hold in the samples. There is another constraint for the average weight of all the animals in the sample to be 1752 kg.
Let's denote the weight per animal type as $x_i$ and the "estimated percentage each animal contributes to the total ecosystem" to be $w_i$, then it's a categorical distribution with $\Pr(X = x_i) = w_i$. From here, we can find the expected weight of a single animal $E[X] = \sum_i x_i w_i = 439.96$. We can also calculate how many animals we need to have so that they on average have the desired weight. You want to sample $n$ animals such that their total weight is $T = 1752$, so $E[n X] = T$, and by the linearity of expectation, $E[nX] = nE[X]$, so we can find $T / E[X] = n$ and it is equal to $1752 / 439.96 = 3.98$. So you need to sample with replacement $\approx4$ animals with the probabilities $w_i$.
In R code, this is
> x <- c(75, 216, 700, 2500, 5000, 8500, 25000)
> w <- c(49.3, 36.8, 6, 6.7, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2)
> w <- w/sum(w)
> summary(replicate(100000, sum(sample(x, size=4, prob=w, replace=TRUE))))
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 300 582 723 1760 2725 50291
Notice that the mean is $1760$ what is consistent with $4 \times E[X]$.
> sum(x * w)
## [1] 439.963
> 4 * sum(x * w)
## [1] 1759.852
This is not equal to $1752$ what shows us that either the numbers you have are not exact, or the system is more complicated and you would need to make more assumptions for a better approximation.
One thing you could do is to have $n$ random instead of fixed. For example, you could assume that $n$ follows a Poisson distribution with $\lambda = 3.98$, to get a much better approximation:
> Ex <- sum(x * w)
> T <- 1752
> En <- T/Ex
> summary(replicate(100000, sum(sample(x, size=rpois(1, En), prob=w, replace=TRUE))))
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0 366 775 1752 2650 51907
Notice that we got better approximation for the mean, but at the cost of making an assumption about the distribution of the counts. This assumption may or may not have sense for the problem. The same applies for any other approach to the simulation that you would take: you have little details, so you would need to make smaller or larger assumptions about the process and do it wisely.