When I Google for
"fisher" "fiducial"
...I sure get a lot of hits, but all the ones I've followed are utterly beyond my comprehension.
All these hits do seem to have one thing in common: they are all written for dyed-in-the-wool statisticians, people thoroughly steeped in the theory, practice, history, and lore of statistics. (Hence, none of these accounts bothers to explain or even illustrate what Fisher meant by "fiducial" without resorting to oceans of jargon and/or passing the buck to some classic or other of the mathematical statistics literature.)
Well, I don't belong to the select intended audience that could benefit for what I've found on the subject, and maybe this explains why every one of my attempts to understand what Fisher meant by "fiducial" has crashed against a wall of incomprehensible gibberish.
Does anyone know of an attempt to explain to someone who is not a professional statistician what Fisher meant by "fiducial"?
P.S. I realize that Fisher was a bit of a moving target when it came to pinning down what he meant by "fiducial", but I figure the term must have some "constant core" of meaning, otherwise it could not function (as it clearly does) as terminology that is generally understood within the field.