I have created a Poisson regression model with robust error variance (https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/159/7/702/71883) to calculate relative risks.
This is the Poisson regression model:
glm.poisson <- glm(new_anydiagnosis ~ gender + age + socioeco_status+dsdm_category+family_history+mental_before_hiv+relations+sexual_life+stigma_discrimination,
family = poisson(link=log),
To calculate the robust standard errors, I have used the package "sandwich" and "lmtest":
glm.robust <- coeftest(glm.poisson, vcov = sandwich)
And I get the following estimates:
z test of coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.6661719 0.6595846 -2.5261 0.011534 *
gender2 0.2785553 0.2568445 1.0845 0.278130
age -0.0039597 0.0087759 -0.4512 0.651846
socioeco_status2 -0.2993100 0.2941404 -1.0176 0.308880
socioeco_status3 -0.2157970 0.3404303 -0.6339 0.526149
socioeco_status5 -14.2642777 0.5838599 -24.4310 < 2.2e-16 ***
dsdm_category2 0.4010045 0.2631345 1.5240 0.127521
dsdm_category3 0.3511796 0.5260824 0.6675 0.504429
dsdm_category4 0.6580096 0.3078882 2.1372 0.032584 *
family_history2 -0.5735175 0.2567557 -2.2337 0.025502 *
mental_before_hiv2 0.8308926 0.5205853 1.5961 0.110472
mental_before_hiv3 1.4173136 0.5843978 2.4253 0.015298 *
relations2 0.0348879 0.2586927 0.1349 0.892721
relations3 27.5722112 1.6086563 17.1399 < 2.2e-16 ***
sexual_life2 0.5890264 0.2753578 2.1391 0.032425 *
sexual_life3 -13.7536832 0.7330256 -18.7629 < 2.2e-16 ***
stigma_discrimination2 0.7728856 0.2483147 3.1125 0.001855 **
stigma_discrimination3 -13.9276696 1.0337112 -13.4735 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
However, now I want to check if multicollinearity between the variables of the model exists. For this, I was considering using the variance inflation factor ("vif").
But when trying this, I do not get estimates of the "vif" for all of the parameters in the model. I only get one estimate instead of estimates of the vif for all variables of the model:
> vif(glm.robust)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
11.381583 2.220626 10.048533 1.309115
The problem (I think) is that my glm.robust model is not defined as a model, but regarded as a vector (?), since it is defined based on the "coeftest".
Do you know how I can test for multicollinearity in the Poisson regression model with robust error variance?
I was also considering finding the "vif" for the parameters of the original Poisson model (glm.poisson), but as this model does not use the robust error variance, I am not sure if it would be fine to do.
I am not at all experienced in using Poisson regression, so maybe I am missing something.
Thanks for your help!