I'm working on an unassessed course problem,
Consider the time series $y_t$ generated by the state space model with $x_t=1$, $F_t=\lambda$, $\sigma_2$, $Z_t=Z$, where the variances $\sigma^2,Z$ and the constant $\lambda$ are all known. Define the time series $$z_t=y_t-\lambda y_{t-1}.$$ (a) Write down the observation and transition equations of the state space model of $y_t$.
(b) By obtaining the mean and variance of $z_t$ together with the autocovariances $\text{Cov}(z_t,z_{t+k})$ for integer $k$ or otherwise, define the joint probability distribution of $\{z_t\}$.
The answer booklet has
(a) \begin{align} y_t & = \beta_t+\epsilon_t, \hspace{1em} \epsilon_t\sim \text{N}(0,\sigma^2), \\ \beta_t & = \lambda\beta_{t-1} + \zeta_t, \hspace{1em} \zeta_t \sim \text{N}(0,Z). \end{align} (b) From (a) and from the definition of $z_t$ we have $$z_t=y_t-\lambda y_{t-1}=\beta_t+\epsilon_t-\lambda\beta_{t-1}-\lambda\epsilon_{t-1}=\epsilon_t-\lambda\epsilon_{t-1}+\zeta_t,$$ so, for all values of $\lambda$, the time series $\{z_t\}$ is weakly stationary (check it!), the joint distribution is multivariate normal (being a linear transformation of the series $\{\epsilon_t,\zeta_t\}$) and therefore it is defined completely by its first two moments, namely the mean of $z_t$ and the ACF of $z_t$. Since $$\mathbb{E}[z_t]=0,\hspace{1em}\mathbb{V}[z_t]=(1+\lambda^2)\sigma^2+Z, \\ \gamma_1=\text{Cov}[z_t,z_{t-1}]=-\lambda\sigma^2, \hspace{1em} \gamma_k=\text{Cov}[z_t,z_{t-k}]=0\;\forall\;|k|>0, \\ \rho_0=1, \hspace{1em} \rho_{\pm1}=-\frac{\lambda\sigma_2}{(1+\lambda^2)\sigma^2+Z}, \hspace{1em} \rho_k=0\;\forall\;|k|>1.$$
For (b), what does it add to find the acf? Why not just say $$z_t\sim\text{N}(\vec{0},(1+\lambda^2)\sigma^2+Z)?$$ Also (this might be a dumber question), what's the importance of showing that $z_t$ is stationary?