I have created a plot of the regression slope of sea surface temperatures (x) and an atmospheric variable (y). Although, I need to test the statistical significance of these trends using a non-parametric test (doesn't assume data is normally distributed). Specifically, I am trying to use the Mann-Whitney U-test as it was suggested by a reviewer (but open to whatever will work and allow me to compare to results from the Students T-test). To do this, I have already calculated the regression slope to compare to a situation when the slope is zero. Then, I created an array of zeros that is the same size as my regression array to put into the statistical function:
### Try out the Mann-Whitney U-test: #### DOESNT WORK RIGHT NOW!!!!!
zero = np.zeros(np.shape(regression)) ### shape: (721,1440)
test = mannwhitneyu(zero, regression) ### shape: (721,1440)
Although, after running the test, I end up with an array of only one dimension and size 1440:
psave = test[1] ### This array is only a single dimension (1440)
Ultimately, I would like to end up with an array of p-values from a non-parametric test of the shape (721,1440) testing the significance of my regression slope. Thank you for any and all help!!
Referencing my question from StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/q/76996090/22121415
(721, 1440)
comes from; 1440 might be from the number of minutes in a day, but why would those be in columns? $\endgroup$