I have run a study comparing if a cheap ultrasound device (T) is as efficient at determining osteophytes as an expensive device (V). There was four examiners who reviewed each participant (ID) and noted their own findings of Yes/No presence of osteophytes in four different views. Yes was given a value of 1, no was given a value of 0. This is a within-subject design so each participant was exposed to both devices.
I have discovered than a repeated measures anova is inappropriate for this data due to the nominal dependent variable of yes/no or 1/0. What is an appropriate test for this study to compare if there is a difference in device and examiner?
I also ran a wilcoxon test but this will only review one value (Device) and won't consider examiner. I am also not sure if this test is within-subject and taking into account the participant ID?
wilcox.test(OSTEOPHYTES ~ DEVICE, data = All.A, mu = 0, paired = T, alt = "two.sided", exact = F)
Any suggestions for a statistical test which will consider a within-subject design looking at multiple variables (Device and Examiner), would be appreciated.