First of all, do you have an actual indication (external knowledge) that your data consists of a few variates that carry discriminatory information among noise-only variates? There is data that can be assumed to follow such a model (e.g. gene microarray data), while other types of data have the discriminatory information "spread out" over many variates (e.g. spectroscopic data). The choice of dimension reduction technique will depend on this.
I think you may want to take a look at chapter 3.4 (Shrinkage methods) of The Elements of Statistical Learning.
Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares (a supervised regression analogue to PCA) are best fit for the latter type of data.
It is certainly possible to model in the new space spanned by the selected principal components. You just take the scores of those PCs as input for the LDA. This type of model is often referred to as PCA-LDA.
I wrote a bit of a comparison between PCA-LDA and PLS-LDA (doing LDA in the PLS scores space) in my answer to "Should PCA be performed before I do classification?". Briefly, I usually prefer PLS as "preprocessing" for the LDA as it is very well adapted to situations with large numbers of (correlated) variates and (unlike PCA) it already emphasizes directions that help to discriminate the groups. PLS-DA (wihtout L) means "abusing" PLS-Regression by using dummy levels (e.g. 0 and 1, or -1 and +1) for the classes and then putting a threshold on the regression result. In my experience this is often inferior to PLS-LDA: PLS is a regression technique and as such at some point will desparately try to reduce the point clouds around the dummy levels to points (i.e. project all samples of one class to exactly 1 and all of the other to exactly 0), which leads to overfitting. LDA as a proper classification technique helps to avoid this - but it profits from the reduction of variates by the PLS.
As @January pointed out, you need to be careful with the validation of your model. However, this is easy if you keep 2 points in mind:
- Data-driven variable reduction (or selection) such as PCA, PLS, or any picking of variables with the help of measures derived from the data is part of the model. If you do a resampling validation (iterated $k$-fold cross-validation, out-of-bootstrap) - which you should do given your restricted sample size - you need to redo this variable reduction for each of the surrogate models.
- The same applies to data-driven (hyper)parameter selection such as determining the number of PCs or latent variables for PLS: redo this for each of the surrogate models (e.g. in an inner resampling validation loop) or fix the hyperparameters in advance. The latter is possible with a bit of experience about the particular type of data and particularly for the PCA-LDA and PLS-LDA models as they are not too sensitive for the exact number of variates. The advantage of fixing lies also in the fact that data-driven optimization is rather difficult for classification models, you should use a so-called proper scoring rule for that and you need rather large numbers of test cases.
(I cannot recommend any solution in Stata, but I could give you an R package where I implemented these combined models).
update to answer @doctorate's comment:
Yes, in priciple you can treat the PCA or PLS projection as dimensionality reduction pre-processing and do this before any other kind of classification.
IMHO One should spend a few thoughts about whether this approach is appropriate for the data at hand.
There's quite some literature about the combination PLS with generalized linear models such as logistic regression, see e.g.
- Bastien, P.; Vinzi, V. E. & Tenenhaus, M.: PLS generalised linear regression, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 48, 17-46 (2005). DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2004.02.005
- Fort, G. & Lambert-Lacroix, S.: Classification using partial least squares with penalized logistic regression, Bioinformatics, 21, 1104-1111 (2005). DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bti114
Boulesteix, A.-L. & Strimmer, K.: Partial least squares: a versatile tool for the analysis of high-dimensional genomic data, Brief Bioinform, 8, 32-44 (2007). DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbl016](
R packages plsRglm
and plsgenomics
have generalized linear models with PLS and PLS with logistic regression.
On the other hand, if you find yourself reducing the data by linear projection to a few latent variables and then applying a highly nonlinear model such as randomForest, you should know an answer why this is the way to go as opposed to do a linear or maybe "slightly non-linear" model on the original data.
select... the variables for a future diagnostic test
since you've replaced the variables by the components? 4) Why do you think you need PCA at all? Discriminant analysis itself is a tool to reduce variables, and is better and more reliable than PCA in the task to separate groups. $\endgroup$