I know (but now I have doubts) that "Comparing models that are fitted with REML and differ in their fixed effects never makes sense," just as @BenBolker explains in this answer.
I've been reading the book Ten Projects in Applied Statistics by P. McCullagh and, if I understand correctly, he doesn't agree with the above statement. I quote from Chapter 18, Residual Likelihood, to make sure the math is right.
The optional argument REML=FALSE (in lme4::lmer) is a cop-out, which overrides the default, and reverts to ordinary maximum likelihood instead. This option produces a valid likelihood-ratio statistic, which is not one recommended by Welham and Thompson (1997) or by this author.
The function
regress::regress(y ~ X, ~ block + V, kernel = K)
has a three-part syntax, permitting greater flexibility, in which the setting for kernel determines the method of estimation. The first part is a standard model-formula for the mean-value subspace $\mathcal{X}$; the second part, which may be empty or missing, is a simple model formula for the covariances. For the third part, the default kernel is $\mathcal{K} = \mathcal{X}$, i.e., REML, not $\mathcal{K} = 0$, i.e., maximum likelihood. (...) For the comparison of mean-values $H_0: \mu \in \mathcal{X}_0$ versus $H_1: \mu \in \mathcal{X}_1 \supset \mathcal{X}_0$ as alternative, residual likelihood may be used in the following manner [comments added]:
> X0 <- model.matrix( ~ mf0); # smaller model matrix
> X1 <- model.matrix( ~ mf1); # larger model matrix (X1 includes X0)
> fit0 <- regress(y ~ mf0, ~ block + V, kernel=X0);
> fit1 <- regress(y ~ mf1, ~ block + V, kernel=X0);
> # likelihood ratio statistic for the X1 fixed effect
> 2 * (fit1$llik - fit0$llik);
There are two part to this question: theory and software.
Theory: On one hand, ML gives a valid likelihood-ratio statistic for model comparisons, so there is no need to change favored
-based approach. On the other hand, the Welham-Thomposon likelihood-ratio statistic is "more valid" esp. for small samples. Should we prefer the latter over the standard LM approach, and if yes, under what conditions?Software (may not be on-topic on CV but I'm adding it for completeness): We can't get the Welham-Thompson statistic with
. We need to useregress::regress
The Ten Projects book is not freely available online; the rest of the materials are.
- P. McCullagh. Ten Projects in Applied Statistics. Springer Series in Statistics. Springer, 2022.
- S. J. Welham and R. Thompson. Likelihood ratio tests for fixed model terms using residual maximum likelihood. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 59(3):701–714, 1997. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9868.00092
- D. Clifford and P. McCullagh. The R journal: The regress function. R News, 6(2):R News, 2006. https://journal.r-project.org/articles/RN-2006-008/
- P. McCullagh. REML and residual likelihood. Nelder Lecture, Imperial College, March 8 2012 http://www.stat.uchicago.edu/~pmcc/seminars/nelder/nelder.pdf
adapted from David Clifford's original function by Peter McCullagh. http://www.stat.uchicago.edu/~pmcc/courses/regress.R
function from the same-named package actually compute the Welham-Thompson statistic ? I don't see any reference to it on cran.r-project.org/web/packages/regress/regress.pdf $\endgroup$regress
is what P. McCullagh uses in the Ten Projects book: stat.uchicago.edu/~pmcc/projects (data + R code). In the text he makes an argument for the Welham-Thompson approach & I got interested but don't understand the theory yet. (I know that not everyone has access to the book; I'll look for open source materials.) $\endgroup$fit <- regress(...)
. $\endgroup$