The correct answer to your question, "should it not increase to represent a bigger population," is yes -- but there are rapidly diminishing returns and the sample size quickly approaches a limiting value.
It is clear from your description that the app is solving the following problem:
In a survey where a random sample without replacement will be obtained from a population and a binary response will be observed, what is the smallest sample size needed to estimate the mean of that response with at most a 1% margin of error with 99% confidence?
Here are some implicit, basic considerations:
Because such a sample might have to be fairly large, it suffices to compute the margin of error using either a Student $t$ distribution or (for very large samples) a Normal distribution. (When the sample size or the size of the unsampled populations are small -- say, 30 or less -- a more accurate calculation based on Binomial distributions can be used.)
Because nothing is assumed about the response, we have to consider the worst case situation.
The following reasoning leads to a solution.
Let $p$ be the average response in the population, let $N$ be the population size, and let $K$ be any sample size. Probability theory tells us the variance of the sample mean is
$$V(K,p,N) = \frac{N-K}{K(N-1)} p(1-p).$$
The square root of this variance is the standard error (SE) of the mean. The margin of error is a multiple $t(0.99, K)$ of the SE. (99% of the probability of a Student $t$ distribution with $K$ "degrees of freedom" lies between $-t(0.99,K)$ and $t(0.99,K).$)
Thus, the mathematical statement of the sample size question is
What is the smallest value of the positive whole number $K$ for which $t(0.99,K) \sqrt{V(K,p,N)}$ is less than or equal to 1% no matter what value $p$ might have?
Because the only part of this expression that depends on $p$ is proportional to $p(1-p),$ which is largest when $p=1/2,$ the worst case occurs when the population is split 50:50. Given $N$ and assuming this worst case, we are left with a constraint on $K$ that we have to solve.
To understand the constraint, observe these things:
Because $$V(K,p,N) = \frac{Np(1-p)}{N-1}\times \frac{1}{K} - \frac{p(1-p)}{N-1}$$ is inversely proportional to $K,$ the variance (and therefore the SE with it) decreases as $K$ increases.
Because $$V(K,p,N) = p(1-p)\left(\frac{1}{K} - \left(1 - \frac{1}{K}\right)\frac{1}{N-1}\right)$$ is the difference between a fixed value and a quantity inversely proportional to $N-1,$ the variance increases to a limiting value of $p(1-p)/K$ as $N$ grows.
These behaviors conspire to require larger sample sizes as $N$ grows, but the sample size reaches a limiting value given by an "infinite" (arbitrarily large) population.
This plot shows how the requisite sample size changes with population size when $p=1/2$ and 99% confidence in a 1% MoE are required. (Notice the logarithmic scale for the population size.)
The sample sizes you computed all occur in the upper right corner of the plot where it has nearly leveled off: that's why they were all nearly the same.