I was trying to fit a cox proportional hazard model to look at interactions between two time-constant covariates, both of which are factors. I parameterized the model in two different but equivalent ways, but parameter estimates from the models were somehow different. I wonder what went wrong. Please see below for an elaboration of the issue.
For reproducibility, I will use a public available dataset, 'lung', which comes with the library 'survival', to illustrate the issue. Suppose the key interest is age by sex interaction. Age is continuous in this example data set; for illustration purposes, I binned this variable into 4 groups as follows.
dat0$age_group[dat0$age>56 & dat0$age<=63]=2
dat0$age_group[dat0$age>63 & dat0$age<=69]=3
I fitted two equivalent models. Model #1 is straightforward. But to fit model #2, I created a new variable, age_by_sex, based on a combination of age_group (4 levels) and sex (2 levels). They are coded as 0, 1, 2... up to 7.
# create a new variable: age_by_sex
age_by_sex = 0 # default value
age_by_sex[is.na(dat0$age_group)|is.na(dat0$sex) ]=NA
# for sex == 1
for(i in 2:4){
age_by_sex[dat0$sex == 1 & dat0$age_group==i ]= i-1
# for sex == 2
for(i in 1:4){
age_by_sex[dat0$sex == 2 & dat0$age_group==i ]= i+3
dat1=dat0[,c("time", "status", "sex","age_group", "age_by_sex")]
dat2=dat1[complete.cases(dat1),] # final dataset for model fitting
# Model #1
cph1= coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ as.factor(age_group)*as.factor(sex), data=dat2)
# Model #2
cph2= coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ as.factor(age_by_sex), data=dat2)
# Model 1 -------------------------------------------------------------
> cph1
coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ as.factor(age_group) * as.factor(sex),
data = dat2)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
as.factor(age_group)2 -0.1040 0.9012 0.4699 -0.221 0.825
as.factor(age_group)3 0.1725 1.1883 0.4743 0.364 0.716
as.factor(age_group)4 0.3543 1.4252 0.3938 0.900 0.368
as.factor(sex)2 -0.5445 0.5801 0.3367 -1.617 0.106
as.factor(age_group)2:as.factor(sex)2 0.3399 1.4049 0.4784 0.711 0.477
as.factor(age_group)3:as.factor(sex)2 -0.1607 0.8516 0.4777 -0.336 0.737
as.factor(age_group)4:as.factor(sex)2 NA NA 0.0000 NA NA
Likelihood ratio test=14.47 on 6 df, p=0.02477
n= 197, number of events= 140
# Model 2 -------------------------------------------------------------
> cph2
coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ as.factor(age_by_sex), data = dat2)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
as.factor(age_by_sex)2 0.27652 1.31854 0.27900 0.991 0.322
as.factor(age_by_sex)3 0.45836 1.58148 0.25834 1.774 0.076
as.factor(age_by_sex)4 -0.44045 0.64375 0.32898 -1.339 0.181
as.factor(age_by_sex)5 -0.20455 0.81502 0.34017 -0.601 0.548
as.factor(age_by_sex)6 -0.42864 0.65140 0.32788 -1.307 0.191
as.factor(age_by_sex)7 -0.08613 0.91748 0.34785 -0.248 0.804
Likelihood ratio test=14.47 on 6 df, p=0.02477
n= 197, number of events= 140
Information about the likelihood test, df, and p (down the bottom of each output) confirms the two models are equivalent. But I noticed two problems:
Problem # 1. The two models overlap in some parameters, but these overlapping parameters do not agree. For example, the exp(coef)
of as.factor(age_group)2
in model 1 is the hazard of the group (sex ==1 & age_group==2) relative to the group (sex ==1 & age_group==1). The estimate is 0.9012. I was expecting the same estimate for as.factor(age_by_sex)2
, which was 1.31854. I wonder what it is happening?
Problem # 2. What happened to the model estimate for as.factor(age_group)4:as.factor(sex)2
? Why is it NA?
Many thanks for any insights into the problems.