I’m trying to figure out the most appropriate test to use for a small water quality dataset (n = 10 sampling visits at 6 river sites, upstream to downstream) with the following characteristics: -not normally distributed (based on Ryan Joiner test) -some variables have non-detects (censored data) -some data groupings result in unequal sample sizes
We’re trying to look at differences within the same sampling year between -different sites (sites would be dependent groups, n=10 in each group) -weather event types (snowmelt n=12 , dry weather n=18, wet weather n=30)
Here are a couple of samples of how I’m grouping the data:
Event type-wise – unequal sample sizes
| Site | Dry | Site | Snowmelt | Site | Wet |
| ---- | --- | ---- | -------- | ---- | --- |
| SWM01 | 33.0 | SWM01 | 27.5 | SWM01 |27.4|
| SWM01 | 28.8 | SWM01 |35.0 | SWM01 |25.0|
| SWM01 | 34.8 | SWM02 |25.6 |SWM01 |10.8|
| SWM02 | 23.3 | SWM02 |30.1 |SWM01 |20.0|
| SWM02 | 19.1 | SWM03 |35.5 |SWM01 |31.3|
| SWM02 | 23.6 | SWM03 |28.2 |SWM02 |24.7|
| SWM03 | 24.1 | SWM04 |28.1 |SWM02 |19.0|
| SWM03 | 16.8 | SWM04 |30.0 |SWM02 |12.0|
| SWM03 | 26.4 | SWM05 |28.2 |SWM02 |14.9|
| SWM04 | 25.4 | SWM05 |29.4 |SWM02 |24.3|
| SWM04 | 18.6 | SWM06 |27.8 |SWM03 |22.1|
| SWM04 | 24.9 | SWM06 |28.1 |SWM03 |18.7|
| SWM05 | 24.9 | | | SWM03 |6.4|
| SWM05 | 20.3 | | | SWM03 |16.1|
| SWM05 | 29.4 | | | SWM03 |25.1|
| SWM06 | 25.4 | | | SWM04 |25.3|
| SWM06 | 20.6 | | | SWM04| 19.4|
| SWM06 | 24.8 | | | SWM04|7.8|
| | | | | SWM04 |19.7|
| | | | | SWM04 |27.4|
| | | | | SWM05 |24.4|
| | | | | SWM05 |19.3|
| | | | | SWM05 |6.9|
| | | | | SWM05| 15.6|
| | | | | SWM05 |26.1|
| | | | | SWM06 |32.7|
| | | | | SWM06 |16.3|
| | | | | SWM06| 7.8|
| | | | | SWM06 |14.9|
| | | | | SWM06 |24.4|
Site-wise – equal sample sizes
| Event ID | SWM01 | SWM02 | SWM03 | SWM04 | SWM05 | SWM06 |
| -------- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
|Dry1 |33.0 |23.3| 24.1 |25.4| 24.9 |25.4|
|Dry2 |28.8 |19.1| 16.8| 18.6| 20.3| 20.6|
|Dry3 |34.8| 23.6| 26.4 |24.9 |29.4 |24.8|
|Snowmelt1 |27.5| 25.6 |35.5| 28.1 |28.2| 27.8|
|Snowmelt2 |35.0 |30.1 |28.2| 30.0| 29.4 |28.1|
|Wet1 |27.4| 24.7| 22.1| 25.3| 24.4| 32.7|
|Wet2 |25.0| 19.0| 18.7| 19.4| 19.3| 16.3|
|Wet3 |10.8| 12.0| 6.4 |7.8| 6.9 |7.8|
|Wet4 |20.0 |14.9| 16.1| 19.7| 15.6| 14.9|
|Wet5 |31.3| 24.3 |25.1 |27.4| 26.1| 24.4|
I’ve been looking through my stats notes and google, and came across the Kruskal-Wallis test. It appears to be appropriate for non-parametric data and more than two groups, but the assumption is that groups are independent, which our “site groups” aren’t. I’m assuming the event type groups would be independent.
The presence of non-detects in our nitrate data throws another wrench into things.