The usage of the expressions 'data are fixed' or 'parameters are fixed' in the linked references should not be taken literally.
- Data is just as well considered random in Bayesian analyses, how else would the use of the likelihood in Bayes theorem make sense?
- Parameters may just as well be considered as a random variable in frequentist analyses. (for instance, priors could be used to minimize the expectation value of the length of confidence intervals)
A difference is that they consider different marginal distributions of the joint distribution of data and parameters when computing intervals. It is not frequentist versus Bayesian, but the credible interval versus the fiducial/confidence interval.
You can see an example of this difference in this plot from the question Are there any examples where Bayesian credible intervals are obviously inferior to frequentist confidence intervals
The image considers a joint distribution of parameters $\theta$ and data $X$.
A credible interval will be computed by considering the distribution of $\theta$ given $X$ and considers horizontal slices of the joint distribution. For each value $X$ the boundaries contain 95% of the potential values $\theta$.
A confidence interval will be computed by considering the distribution of $X$ given $\theta$ and considers vertical slices of the joint distribution. For each value $\theta$ the boundaries contain 95% of the potential values $X$
It is this conditioning that relates to the parameters or data being described as 'fixed'. The Bayesian credible interval considers a distribution of $\theta$ given a fixed value of $X$. The frequentist confidence interval considers a distribution of $X$ given a fixed value of $\theta$ (and actually, the interval, considers many of such fixed values, the interval is the collection of values $\theta$ for which the sample distribution of the data $X$ has certain properties that align with the observed data).
As a consequence of this conditioning the coverage probability of the intervals will be different depending on whether we consider the coverage if the data is a certain value $X$ or the coverage if the parameter is a certain value $\theta$.
Reviewing some of my old answers I notice that I have used the expression 'fixed' myself as well. It is in an answer to this question: If a credible interval has a flat prior, is a 95% confidence interval equal to a 95% credible interval?
In that answer I made use of the image below to describe a difference between the construction of credible and confidence intervals for the example case of an exponential distribution of the data and a uniform prior for the parameter.
It is not like the data or parameters are neccesarily considered to be truly fixed, but it is just that the intervals relate to computations of conditional distributions where the one (data/parameter) is computed conditional on the other (parameter/data) being fixed.
Why do all this trouble for confidence intervals instead of using credible intervals? What is the point about the computations with the parameter fixed?
The advantage of frequentist confidence intervals, because they rely on computations conditional on the parameter, can be independent of assumptions about a distribution of that parameter.
(Although there can be philosophical differences in ideas about probability, it is not neccesarily the case that a statistician using a frequentist confidence interval believes that the parameter is fixed. It is more that the statistician doesn't need to make use of any assumptions about the distribution of the parameter.)