I have a dataset that contains a few patterns of missingness. For this dataset, I have a training set that is complete and contains all input features. My test set has complete observations for the dependent variable, but there are a few patterns of missing data for the input features. Below, I provide an example:
Example dataset
# Generate a fake test with missing data patterns
subset1 <- data.frame(yield = rnorm(500, 1000, 100)) %>%
mutate(var1 = yield * rnorm(500, 100, 5))
subset2 <- data.frame(yield = rnorm(500, 1000, 100)) %>%
mutate(var2 = yield * rnorm(500, 100, 10),
var3 = -yield * rnorm(500, 100, 4))
subset3 <- data.frame(yield = rnorm(500,1000,100)) %>%
mutate(var1 = yield * rnorm(500, 100, 5),
var3 = -yield * rnorm(500, 100, 4))
test <- plyr::rbind.fill(subset1,subset2,subset3)
# train set has complete observations
train <- data.frame(yield = rnorm(500,1000,100)) %>%
mutate(var1 = yield * rnorm(500, 100, 5),
var2 = yield * rnorm(500, 100, 10),
var3 = -yield * rnorm(500, 100, 4))
Missing Data Pattern
Note the first row is the train set and the other rows will be the test set
I want to perform regression on this dataset, but I am wary of using imputation, unless I can have a strong justification for it. I could, of course, just remove the rows that contain missing data, however this will remove a very large portion of the dataset. I have encountered the concept of reduced modelling, which identifies the different patterns of missing data in the test set, training separate models based on complete subsets. From what I understood of the concept, this is what I tried:
# Look at the missing data patterns on test set
pattern <- mice::md.pattern(test,plot=F)
# initiate a list to put subsets into
model_list <- list()
for (i in 1:(nrow(pattern) - 1)) {
# get the missing data pattern
cols_with_no_missing <- names(which(pattern[i, -ncol(pattern)] == 1))
# subset the dataset based on this pattern
subset_df <- test %>%
select(all_of(cols_with_no_missing)) %>%
# train a model using only these columns
dat <- train %>%
mod <- train(yield ~ .,
data = dat,
method = 'lm',
trControl = trainControl(method = 'repeatedcv',
number = 10,
repeats = 10))
# get some model statistics
obspred <- data.frame(obs=subset_df$yield,
pred = predict(mod,newdata = subset_df))
n_obs <- nrow(obspred)
rsq <- summary(mod)$r.squared
# Create a plot
plt <- obspred %>%
ggplot(aes(x = obs, y = pred)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(slope = 1) +
annotate("text", x = -Inf, y = Inf,
label = paste(paste('n',n_obs,sep='='),
paste('R²', round(rsq,2),sep='='),
paste('yield',paste(cols_with_no_missing[-1], collapse = ' + '),sep=' ~ '),
hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1, size = 4)
model_list[[i]] <- plt
# compare the models test performance
wrap_plots(model_list) + plot_layout(axes='collect')
Test performance
My Questions
- I was wanting to know what are the consequences of using such an approach or whether there are more appropriate ways of doing something similar?
- Can you create some sort of ensemble model that selects the appropriate sub-model based on the available features? If so, how would you incorporate the changing accuracy (which varies depending on the available features) into that?
My actual dataset is much bigger than this example (~90,000 observations) with 25 features, so in reality I will use random forest regression, but (I think??) the principle should be similar.
is concise, but not intuitive to read. $\endgroup$