This procedure below is not guaranteed to work, but it will find a solution for some problems depending on the marginal distributions (not specified in the question), the tightness of bounds on the product of interest, the number of Latin hypercube samples required, and the maximum number of iterations allowed.
There are general references for optimizing latin hypercubes for a variety of criteria, but none that I know of that are directly on point for this problem 1. I used these algorithms in developing my R package lhs
- Create a simple random sample using rejection sampling
- Create empirical inverse cumulative distribution functions from the rejection sample
- Draw a Latin hypercube
- Transform the margins of the hypercube using the empirical inverse CDFs
- Iterate through the hypercube swapping one margin of two points until a hypercube is found that meets the criteria
Example below:
# Assumptions
# v1 ~ runif(1, 4)
# v2 ~ runif(1E-6, 2)
# v3 ~ runif(2, 6)
# v4 ~ runif(1E-6, 0.1)
# vx ~ runif(0, 1)
# lower < v1*v2*v3*v4 < upper
N <- 100000 # size of simple random sample
upper <- 1
lower <- 0.3
Nlhs <- 50 # size of Latin hypercube
klhs <- 10
# create a simple random sample for rejection sampling
reject_samp <- data.frame(
v1 = runif(N, 1, 4),
v2 = runif(N, 1E-6, 2),
v3 = runif(N, 2, 6),
v4 = runif(N, 1E-6, 0.1)
p <- with(reject_samp, v1*v2*v3*v4)
ind <- which(p < upper & p > lower)
reject_samp <- reject_samp[ind,]
# visualize marginal pdfs
for (i in 1:4) {
hist(reject_samp[,i], main = paste0("rejection sampled v", i), breaks = 30)
# create empirical distribution functions based on the rejection sample
F1 <- ecdf(reject_samp[,1])
Finv1 <- function(p) quantile(reject_samp[,1], probs = p)
F2 <- ecdf(reject_samp[,2])
Finv2 <- function(p) quantile(reject_samp[,2], probs = p)
F3 <- ecdf(reject_samp[,3])
Finv3 <- function(p) quantile(reject_samp[,3], probs = p)
F4 <- ecdf(reject_samp[,4])
Finv4 <- function(p) quantile(reject_samp[,4], probs = p)
# create the Latin hypercube
X <-, klhs))
names(X) <- paste0("v", 1:klhs)
# transform with the empirical cdf
transform <- function(W) {
W$v1 <- Finv1(W$v1)
W$v2 <- Finv2(W$v2)
W$v3 <- Finv3(W$v3)
W$v4 <- Finv4(W$v4)
X_t <- transform(X)
# check if the products are in range
p <- with(X_t, v1*v2*v3*v4)
ind <- which(p < lower | p > upper)
length(ind) # number out of range
#> [1] 27
# products are not in range, so use the Column-wise Pairwise swapping algorithm to find a suitable solution
pp <- length(which(p > lower & p < upper)) / nrow(X)
print(paste("starting at ", pp))
#> [1] "starting at 0.46"
swap <- function(i1, i2, j1, j2, dat) {
temp <- dat[i1, j1]
dat[i1, j1] <- dat[i2, j2]
dat[i2, j2] <- temp
maxiter <- 20000 # change as needed
iter <- 1
ppbest <- pp
while (pp < 1 & iter < maxiter) {
for (j in 1:4) {
for (i1 in 1:(Nlhs-1)) {
for (i2 in i1:Nlhs) {
if (pp < 1) {
X <- swap(i1, i2, j, j, X)
X_t <- transform(X)
p <- with(X_t, v1*v2*v3*v4)
pp <- length(which(p > lower & p < upper)) / nrow(X)
if (pp <= ppbest) {
# swap back
X <- swap(i2, i1, j, j, X)
} else {
# stay here and update best
ppbest <- pp
iter <- iter + 1
if (pp == 1 | iter > maxiter) break
if (pp == 1 | iter > maxiter) break
print(paste("ending at ", pp))
#> [1] "ending at 1"
# check latin hypercube properties
all(apply(X, 2, function(x) sum(floor(x*Nlhs)+1)) == Nlhs*(Nlhs+1)/2)
#> [1] TRUE
all(X > 0 & X < 1)
#> [1] TRUE
# check all products are in range
X_t <- transform(X)
p <- with(X_t, v1*v2*v3*v4)
all(p > lower & p < upper)
#> [1] TRUE
Created on 2024-04-28 with reprex v2.1.0