Say I have n samples $x_1,...,x_n \sim F$ where $F$ is a continuous distribution on $\mathbb R$. The Empirical Distribution Function gives us an estimation for the CDF of $F$. I am trying to understand how the corresponding pdf will look. I see in the question Empirical PDF from Empirical CDF that someone answered, that the PDF in this case will simply put a probability mass of $1/N$ at each data point $x_i$.
But if we are in the continuous case, we cannot simply define that the pdf at each point is $1/N$ and zero elsewhere, since this will give probability 0 to everything.
The pdf is the derivative of the CDF, but in our case the CDF is a step function and therefore doesn't have a derivative in the interesting points (only has a derivative of 0). So how does the PDF look in this case?