With a generous interpretation we can make sense of this quasi-argument.
Consider an iid sequence of absolutely continuous random variables $\mathbf X = X_1,X_2,\ldots, X_n$ with density $g$ and cumulative distribution function $G.$ For any number $x$ and positive real number $t;$ and for any ordered pair $1\le i \lt j \le n,;$ consider the intersection of the events $X_i=x,$ $X_j=x+t,$ and $x\lt X_k\lt x+t$ for all $k\ne i,j.$ Let's call this intersection $\mathscr{E}_{i,j}(x,t).$ Because for any $X_k$ we can obtain the probability of the interval $(x,x+t)$ as
$$\Pr(x\lt X_k\lt x+t) = G(x+t)-G(x),$$
independence implies the density of this event is obtained by multiplying the $n$ separate probabilities:
$$\Pr(\mathscr{E}_{i,j}(x,t))\mathrm dx\mathrm dt = g(x)g(x+t)(G(x+t)-G(x))^{n-2}\,\mathrm dx\mathrm dt.\tag{*}$$
There are $n(n-1)$ such events corresponding to all choices of the distinct pair $(i,j)$ (since, echoing the words in Wikipedia, the are $n$ choices for $i$ and then $n-1$ more choices for $j$ independently of $i$).
Here's the punch line: the event "the range is $t$ and the minimum is $x$" is the union of all such events. In mathematical symbols,
$$(\operatorname{Range}(\mathbf X) = t)\,\cap\, (\min(\mathbf X) = x)\ = \bigcup_{i\ne j}\mathscr{E}_{i,j}(x,t).$$
Because all the events on the right are disjoint (each is determined by which of the $X_k$ equal the two extremes), their probabilities add, giving
$$\Pr((\operatorname{Range}(\mathbf X) = t)\,\cup\, (\min(\mathbf X) = x))\,\mathrm dx\mathrm dt = \sum_{i,j} \Pr(\mathscr{E}_{i,j}(x,t))\,\mathrm dx\mathrm dt$$
Since by $(*)$ all the terms on the right hand side are equal, we obtain $n(n-1)$ times the right hand side of $(*),$ equal to
$$n(n-1)g(x)g(x+t)(G(x+t)-G(x))^{n-2}\,\mathrm dx\mathrm dt,$$
as claimed. Because it was obtained using (a) the definition of independence and (b) a basic probability axiom, it's a bona fide (but infinitesimal!) probability.
I hope that in light of this (slightly more rigorous) argument, the idea lurking behind the Wikipedia gibberish is revealed.