I am evaluating a model that predicts the existence or not existence of a "characteristic" (for example, "there is a dog in this image") using several datasets. The system outputs me for every dataset their TP, TN, FP, FN.
I would like a metric(s) to judge how good is the model doing its work but I realize that I can not plot for example just the TP because for example the first dataset has 20 instances where there is the characteristic (there is a dog) and the second dataset has say only 10. Even if the model is perfect the second dataset would have only 10 TP.
I am thinking of calculating accuracy, precision and recall for each dataset and for all datasets.
I have also run the model three times per each dataset, with small variations
I am investigating also precision-recall curves but it seem that these are for different threshold values and obviously I have only one set of precision , recall per dataset
Are there any good way to judge if a model is "good"? Due to my inexperience I can not come with a good judge criteria
At first I thought plotting the distribution of each (TP etc) for all datasets Then I thought of plotting a confusion matrix combining all datasets Any advice will be greatly appreciated
As a simple fictitious example I thought of
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, accuracy_score
# Example fictitious data
datasets = {
'datasetA': {'TP': 150, 'TN': 200, 'FP': 50, 'FN': 100, 'no_GT': 34},
'datasetB': {'TP': 180, 'TN': 220, 'FP': 40, 'FN': 81, 'no_GT': 20},
'datasetC': {'TP': 160, 'TN': 240, 'FP': 70, 'FN': 110, 'no_GT': 30},
'datasetD': {'TP': 190, 'TN': 250, 'FP': 60, 'FN': 90, 'no_GT': 42},
def calculate_metrics(TP, TN, FP, FN):
accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
precision = TP / (TP + FP) if (TP + FP) > 0 else 0
recall = TP / (TP + FN) if (TP + FN) > 0 else 0
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) if (precision + recall) > 0 else 0
return {
'Accuracy': accuracy,
'Precision': precision,
'Recall': recall,
'F1 Score': f1
# Aggregate counts
total_TP = sum(data['TP'] for data in datasets.values())
total_TN = sum(data['TN'] for data in datasets.values())
total_FP = sum(data['FP'] for data in datasets.values())
total_FN = sum(data['FN'] for data in datasets.values())
# Calculate overall metrics
overall_metrics = calculate_metrics(total_TP, total_TN, total_FP, total_FN)
# Calculate metrics for each dataset
metrics_df = pd.DataFrame({dataset: calculate_metrics(data['TP'], data['TN'], data['FP'], data['FN']) for dataset, data in datasets.items()})
# Add overall metrics
metrics_df['Overall'] = overall_metrics
# Visualization
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(14, 10))
axes = axes.flatten()
for i, (dataset, data) in enumerate(datasets.items()):
cm = confusion_matrix([1] * data['TP'] + [0] * data['TN'] + [1] * data['FN'] + [0] * data['FP'],
[1] * (data['TP'] + data['FP']) + [0] * (data['TN'] + data['FN']))
sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues', ax=axes[i])
axes[i].set_title(f'Confusion Matrix - {dataset}')
and I get
datasetA datasetB datasetC datasetD Overall
Accuracy 0.700000 0.767754 0.689655 0.745763 0.725696
Precision 0.750000 0.818182 0.695652 0.760000 0.755556
Recall 0.600000 0.689655 0.592593 0.678571 0.640905
F1 Score 0.666667 0.748441 0.640000 0.716981 0.693524