I have been asked to perform a GLMM to study which conditions most influence certain behaviors in captive animals. The dependent variable is the time spent on each behavior during a 10-minute observation.
There are many fixed factors (e.g., presence/absence of visitors, weather, etc.) and some random factors. The researchers have described sex, age, and subject ID as random factors.
-Does it make sense to categorize sex and age as random factors?
-Is GLMM the best option in this case? The time spent on each activity is not normally distributed, ranging from 0-1 (percentage of time spent in the activity), and we have repeated measures data (each subject was observed multiple times under different conditions), so I believe it's the right choice.
-If I proceed with a GLMM, which family of distributions would be the best fit for modeling the dependent variable? Poisson?
- How much do I need to worry about the assumptions when using a GLMM?
Thanks for your help. I have performed generalized and mixed linear models before, but I’m not very familiar with GLMMs.