
Suppose I am given a possibly biased coin, which turns up heads an unknown fraction $p$ of the time.

Initially I flip the coin 10 times (e.g. generating data = TTHTTHHTHH).

Next, I have to flip the coin repeatedly until I get 2 heads in a row. Let the number of flips I perform before getting 2 heads in a row be $F_{HH}$.

My Question: How can I compute frequentest prediction intervals for $F_{HH}$ (assuming I have already performed the 10 coin flips)?

NOTE: It seems to me the equivalent Bayesian answer to this question is fairly straightforward (??) -- but I am not sure of the best Frequentest approach. For clarity, I include the Bayesian approach below.

Bayesian Approach:

We have: $$P(F_{HH} | data) = \int_{0}^{1} P(F_{HH}|p)P(p|data)~dp$$. Computing $P(F_{HH}|p)$ should be straightforward (e.g. using a brute force approach like this one: Time taken to hit a pattern of heads and tails in a series of coin-tosses )

We can compute $P(p|data)$ using Bayes theorem: $$P(p|data) = L(data|p)P(p)/P(data)$$ where we specify the prior $P(p)$ (e.g. a uniform prior), compute the likelihood $L(data|p)$ from the binomial distribution, and $P(data)$ is just a normalizing constant.

Given this, we can compute the integral to get the distribution $P(F_{HH}|data)$, from which various point/interval estimates can be constructed.

But what about a frequentest solution, where we avoid specifying $P(p)$?

  • $\begingroup$ (+1) There never is a single "frequentist" confidence interval for any parameter: first you have to stipulate a loss function or some equivalent objective to optimize, such as the likelihood. Nevertheless, there are some simple approaches to this problem that require no assumed prior distribution for $p$. For instance, use an estimator of $p$ based on the $10+F_{HH}$ tosses already made. A little thought will suggest several different estimators, thereby revealing the key idea: the problem is not to find a CI, but rather to evaluate and compare the properties of plausible CI procedures. $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Jan 28, 2014 at 14:04
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It seems to me the frequentist approach here would be to attempt to establish a prediction interval for $F_{HH}$ given the observation, for example, via a pivotal quantity. That is, to construct a function of the prediction and the sample whose distribution doesn't depend on the value of $p$. (I don't guarantee there is a pivotal quantity for this case though, I haven't worked it out. I think there are some approximate ones though.) $\endgroup$
    – Glen_b
    Commented Jan 28, 2014 at 23:24
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Glen_b Thank you for the clarification. My comment was based on an apparently incorrect reading of the question, in which all $10+F_{HH}$ tosses had been made. If only first ten are made then you are completely correct that this asks for a prediction interval. $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 15:40
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the clarification re 'prediction interval' -- I have changed the question to reflect this. $\endgroup$
    – Gareth
    Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 22:23

1 Answer 1


This answer implements an approach along the lines of whuber's comment, where $p$ is estimated naively from the 10 tosses made at the start, and then 'plugged-in' to $P(F_{HH}|p)$ to get the prediction interval.

The approach does not explicitly account for uncertainty in $p$, which leads to poor performance in some cases, as shown below. If we had many more than 10 tosses available to estimate $p$, then this approach might work fine. It would be interesting to know of other approaches which can account for the uncertainty in $p$.

All code in this answer is in R.

Step 1: Code to compute $P(F_{HH}|p)$

Firstly, we need to be able to compute $P(F_{HH}|p)$. The following code does that analytically (since the simulation approach is very inefficient for small $p$):

pmf_FHH<-function(p, Nout){
# Analytically compute the probability mass function for F_HH
# F_HH = number of coin flips required to give 2 consecutive heads
# p = probability of heads (length 1 vector)
# Nout = integer vector of values for which we want the pmf 

# Quick exit
if(p==0) return(Nout*0)
if(p==1) return((Nout==2))
if(max(Nout)==1) return(0*Nout)

# Recursively compute the pmf

# Storage
PrN_T=rep(NA,N) # Probability that we got to the N'th flip without 2 consecutive heads, AND the N'th flip was a tail
PrN_2H=rep(NA,N) # Probability that the N'th flip gives 2 consecutive heads (for the first time)

# First flip
PrN_T[1]=(1-p) # Probability that we got to the first flip and it was a tail
PrN_2H[1]=0 # Can't have 2 heads on 1st flip

# Second flip
PrN_T[2] =(1- p) # Probability we get to the second flip and it was a tail
PrN_2H[2]=p*p # Probability that we get 2 heads after 2 flips

# Third flip and above
for(i in 3:length(PrN_2H)){
    # 'Probability that we got to the i'th flip, and it was a tail
    # = [1-(probability that we have terminated by i-1) ]*(1-p)
    PrN_T[i] = (1-sum(PrN_2H[1:(i-1)]))*(1-p)
    # Probability that flip i-2 was a tail, and i-1 and i were heads


To test the above function and for later use testing the prediction intervals, we write another function to simulate the coin toss process.

sim_FHH_p<-function(p,n=round(1e+04/p**3), pattern='11'){
# Simulate many coin toss sequences, ending in the first occurrence of pattern
# p = probability of 1 (1=heads)
# n = number of individual tosses to sample (split into sequences ending in pattern)
# pattern = pattern to split on (1=heads)
# returns vector with the length of each toss sequence

# Make a data string of many coin flips e.g. '011010011'.

# Split up by occurrence of pattern, count characters, and add the number of characters in pattern.
# Each element of random_FHH gives a number of coin-tosses to get pattern

# The last string may not have ended in pattern. Remove it. 


Now I run a test to check that the simulated and analytical results are 'the same' (increase the 1e+07 to get better agreement).

# Simulate coin-toss
qq=sim_FHH_p(p,n=1e+07, pattern='11')

Nmax=round(10/p**2) # Convenient upper limit where we check pmf_FHH
for(i in 1:Nmax) empirical_pmf[i] = (sum(qq==i)/length(qq))

plot(1:Nmax,empirical_pmf,main='Test of analytical relation',ylab='pmf')
points(1:Nmax,pmf_FHH(p, 1:Nmax),col='red',t='l')
legend('topright', c('Approximate empirical pmf', 'Analytical pmf'), pch=c(1,NA),lty=c(NA,1),col=c(1,2))

It looks fine. Comparison of analytical probability mass function of $F_{HH}$ with a simulated approximation.

Step 2: Code to compute the prediction interval, assuming $p$ is known.

If p is known, then we can directly use $P(F_{HH}|p)$ to get a prediction interval for $F_{HH}$. For a one-sided (1-$\alpha$) prediction interval, we just need to get the (1-$\alpha$) quantile of $P(F_{HH}|p)$. The code is:

ci_FHH<-function(p, alpha=0.1,Nmax=round(10/max(p,0.001)**2), two.sided=FALSE){
## Compute a prediction interval for FHH, assuming p
## is known exactly
## By default, compute 1-sided prediction interval to bound the upper values of FHH
    return(c(Inf, Inf, NA, NA))
}else if(p==1){
    return(c(2, 2, 0, 1))
    cdf_FHH=cumsum(pmf_FHH(p, 1:Nmax))
    return(c(lowerInd,upperInd, cdf_FHH[lowerInd-1],cdf_FHH[upperInd]))

Step 3: Test the prediction interval coverage Theoretically we expect the prediction intervals developed above to be very good if $p$ is estimated correctly, but perhaps very bad if it is not. To test the coverage, the following function assumes the true value of $p$ is known, and then repeatedly makes an estimate of $p$ based on 10 coin flips (using the fraction of observed heads), and computes a prediction interval with the estimated value of $p$.

test_ci_with_estimated_p<-function(true_p=0.5, theoretical_coverage=0.9, len_data=10, Nsim=100){

# Simulate many coin-toss experiments

# Simulate many prediction intervals with ESTIMATED p, and see what their
# coverage is like
for(i in 1:Nsim){
    # Estimate p from a sample of size len_data
    est_p = mean(mysim) # sample estimate of p

    store_coverage[i] = sum(simRuns>=myci[1] & simRuns<=myci[2])/length(simRuns)
return(list(est_p=store_est_p,coverage=store_coverage, simRuns=simRuns))

A few tests confirm that the coverage is nearly correct when $p$ is estimated correctly, but can be very bad when it is not. The figures show tests with real $p$ =0.2 and 0.5 (vertical lines), and a theoretical coverage of 0.9 (horizontal lines). It is clear that if the estimated $p$ is too high, then the prediction intervals tend to undercover, whereas if the estimated $p$ is too low, they over-cover, except if the estimated $p$ is zero, in which case we cannot compute any prediction interval (since with the plug-in estimate, heads should never occur). With only 10 samples to estimate $p$, often the coverage is far from the theoretical level.


plot(t2$est_p,t2$coverage,xlab='Estimated value of p', ylab='Coverage',cex=2,pch=19,main='CI performance when p=0.2')
plot(t5$est_p,t5$coverage,xlab='Estimated value of p', ylab='Coverage',cex=2,pch=19,main='CI performance when p=0.5')

barplot(table(t2$est_p),main='Estimated p when p=0.2')
barplot(table(t5$est_p),main='Estimated p when p=0.5')

Test of CI performance

In the above examples, the mean coverage was pretty close to the desired coverage when true $p$=0.5 (87% compared with the desired 90%), but not so good when true $p$=0.2 (71% vs 90%).

# Compute mean coverage + other stats

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