My colleague and I are professors and we conducted an experiment in which we would please like some advice on deciding which tests to use in SPSS.
He taught 4 classes of students on 2 different occasions and I taught a different group of 4 classes of students on 2 different occasions. I was the experimental group and taught all of my sessions incorporating an educational game. He was the control group and did not use any games. We each gave the students a pre-test at the beginning of the first session and a post-test at the end of the second class.
Our hypothesis is that students in the experimental (games) classes performed better on the post-test than students in the control group. Unfortunately we didn't think to assign each student a number so that we could figure out which pre and post-test belonged to who. So basically we have a ton of pre and post-tests divided by class but not by student. Is there a a way we could conduct statistical analyses for the groups instead of individuals to see if our hypothesis was concerned?