$\newcommand\E{\operatorname{E}}\newcommand\V{\operatorname{Var}}$I think it would be worth elaborating on one of the answers, the one that incluided the following intuitive explanations:
\textrm{The degree to which} \\
\textrm{$X_{i}$ varies from $\bar{X}$}
\textrm{The degree to which} \\
\textrm{$\bar{X}$ varies from $\mu$}
\textrm{The degree to which }\\
\textrm{$X_{i}$ varies from $\mu$}.
and then
Someone might wonder why $\E\left[\left(\bar{X}-\mu\right)^{2}\right] = \sigma^2/n$.
First, the term above is called bias and is precisely the reason why we underestimate variance when taking the average from deviations of samples $X_i$ from estimated mean $\bar{X}$. The bias is also a consequence of the difference between estimated mean and true mean and the fact that we systematically add errors when estimate variance of a sample.
Here's an intuitive way to calculate such bias. I assume that each $X_i$ is i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed) meaning all realisations are from the same distribution $X$ and each realisation is independent. The latter simply means it makes no difference for $X_{i+1}$ if $X_i$ already occured. Then, we have the following:
\begin{align}\E\left[\left(\bar{X}-\mu\right)^{2}\right] &= \V(\bar{X}) & (1)\\
&= \V\biggl(\frac{1}{n} \sum X_i \biggr) & (2) \\
&= \frac{1}{n^2} \sum \V(X_i) & (3) \\
&= \frac{n\;\V(X)}{n^2} &(4) \\
&= \frac{\sigma^2}{n}. & (6)
Note that I use following identity $\V(cX) \equiv c^2 \V(X)$. Under assumption of independence $\V(\sum X_i) = \sum \V(X_i)$, whereas under assumption of identically distributed variables $\V(X_i) = \V(X)$ for $i = 1, \dots n$. Finally, variance $\V(X)$ is simply expressed as $\sigma^2$.
In literature, the term $\sigma^2/n$ is also called Standard Error (SE).