$$\frac{e^{-(y-θx)^2/2x^2) -x/λ}}{(λ\sqrt{2πx^2})}$$
This is the joint distribution function.
a)I have to find the marginal function of $X$ and $Y|X$. Now the $X\sim \text{Exp}(1/λ)$ and $Y|X\sim N(θx;x^2)$
b)Then, find the MLE for $λ$ and $θ$.
For $λ$ we have:
$\cal{L}= \prod \left[e^{(\frac{-x}{\lambda})}/\lambda\right] =[1/λ]^n e^{(-∑ 〖x/λ〗)}$
$\log(\cal{L})= -\log\lambda^n-(\sum x)/\lambda $
$\frac{dl}{d\lambda}= -n/\lambda+\sum x/\lambda^2 =0$
$\hat \lambda =\sum x/n $
and for $θ$: $\cal{L}=\prod [\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\frac{1}{x} e^{(〖-(y-\theta x)〗^2/ 2x^2 )} ] $
$=1/\prod x\cdot e^{\sum \frac{〖-(y-θx)〗^2}{2x^2}}$
$\log(\cal{L})=-\sum \log x - \sum y^2/〖2x〗^2 + \sum \theta y/x- \theta^2/2$
I derive $\theta$ and resolve
$\hat\theta = \sum y/x$
c) Are they unbiased?
$E(\hat{\lambda})=\lambda$. For $\theta$ do I have to use the law of iterated expectation?
I have the same question for the variance of $\theta$. We know that for large n we have asymptotically unbiased mle.
d)Exact distribution of $\lambda$ and $\theta$? Asymptotically the distribution for $\theta$ and $\lambda$ is normal, but is it possible to find the exact distribution for theta? (for $\lambda$ it is a $\text{gamma}(n,n/\lambda)$, right?)
I have to try with the transformation law, given that x is a function of y. I have many doubts here!